Electronic ticketing, eticketing, electronic citation, e-citation…
Regardless of what you choose to call it, you probably have many of the same questions that other law enforcement agencies have. One question that we hear on the regular is,
“What equipment does my patrol car need for eCitation?”
There is no short answer here because every department is unique. When you consider the diverse demographics and statistics among agencies, then think about your department’s specific needs and budgetary restrictions, and finally factor in the existing equipment you may or may not already have, it becomes clear that your shopping list might look quite dissimilar to others.
Despite the differences, however, every agency should consider the value in each of the patrol vehicle components listed in this Officer’s guide to ECitation. Within each category, you’ll notice there are numerous possibilities to consider, but rest-assured, the process of updating your patrol car isn’t as complicated as you might fear. Our team is also available to provide recommendations tailored to your department’s unique needs. Ready? Let’s go.
Driver’s License Scanner with Compatible Magnetic Mount
Each state driver’s license, whether standard or enhanced, comes with a unique PDF417 barcode on the back. All of the personal information about the motorist found on the front side of the license is also contained in this barcode. During a traffic stop, the officer simply needs to scan the barcode on the license to auto-populate the motorist’s information into a citation form on the computer. One click of the scanner and it all appears on the computer screen. Officers can get off the side of the road quickly without typos, illegible handwriting, or errors. This improves officer & motorist safety, allowing patrol officers to better protect and serve their community.
Without a doubt, the 4910LR Driver’s License Reader is our top-pick in this category for numerous reasons. First off, it’s not just some standard retail scanner that you might see at Walmart or the public library. The 4910LR was designed for law enforcement and from the voice of law enforcement. Every detail, from its compact radio mic-style to the instant scanning required in the fast-paced world of law enforcement, was intended specifically for eCitation. LED lighting ensures accurate scanning at any hour and intelligent signature capture keeps the entire citation process digital. In addition, the 4910LR is compatible with TraCS, DigiTICKET, SECTOR, MOVE, E-TIX, eCWS, KYOPS and many other state-funded and private ecitation software applications.
For added safety, we recommend the Magnetic Mount to keep the 4910LR securely in place when not in use. The Magnetic Mount is another L-Tron product we built directly from the voice & feedback of our Law Enforcement customers. Officers were leaving their driver’s license scanners in their cup holders or on their passenger seats. This might seem like an acceptable storage location at the time, but a high-speed chase or collision can send unsecured equipment flying. The Mag Mount is rated for up to 70lbs and allows officers to maintain situational awareness, as the magnet is strong enough to use without visual contact – the magnet “grabs” the 4910LR as it draws near. Simply and easily install and mount your DL reader anywhere within arm’s reach for quick storage, improved safety and easy access.
Our Recommendations:
Driver’s License Scanner
Scanner Mount
Want a complete list of the in-car equipment you need for eCitation? Click here to visit our Patrol Vehicle Equipment page.
Check back for Part II of the “Officer’s Guide to eCitation” series, focused on in-car computers & mounting equipment – coming soon.