We’d like to give a warm welcome to one of our newest team members, April.

April-CoddApril is a Customer Service Representative, which involves

  • processing orders,
  • shipping orders and making sure all order components are in perfect condition before being packaged
  • answering the phones when a customer calls in

and more.

I sat down with April with a couple questions to get to know her a bit better.

Q: So what made you interested in joining the L-Tron team?

A: I love the culture here – my last job was a huge company with over 100 employees in my office. L-Tron’s the right size company for me, since we have a stronger relationship with everyone on the team and we’re pretty flexible with our schedules. 

Q: What do you like about your job so far?

A: I really enjoy speaking with customers on the phone. Usually when someone calls in they have a question about a product or solution we offer, and it’s rewarding when I’m able to help them by directing their call to the product and solution specialist.

Q: What do you do outside of work?

A: I like to relax and spend time with my friends. And when I’m not with my fiends, I’m usually playing with my dog.


Welcome to the team, April!
