It was another great conference this year at the Stop DWI NY Highway Safety Symposium!

The conference took place from Sunday October 18 – Tuesday October 20th.

The 4910LR was exhibited alongside the Honeywell Dolphin CT50 and the Dolphin 75E.

We had some fun with our Kindle Fire 6 HD giveaway by asking for their licenses this time! “You will need get out your license officer.”  We had the officers scan their own driver’s license with the 4910LR DL reader, and then we printed out raffle tickets.

Keep scrolling to find a selfie with the lucky winner below!

Attendees also got to enjoy some candy and other swag as they stopped by and talked with us about their patrol vehicle technology.

Here’s some pictures of the show:

Stop DWI NY Highway Safety Symposium
Our booth!

patrol vehicle equipment

Showing off some great gear


The 4910LR DL Reader!

Kindle Fire HD 6 giveaway

The giveaway


…and the selfie with the lucky winner – Thanks for your participation and for stopping by! 
