While you’re celebrating National Drink Wine Day this evening, take a closer look at the bottle of wine you’re pouring from. Does the label contain a QR code?  If so, you can use your smartphone to scan the code and learn more about what you’re drinking and where it came from, often in the form of a video. These days, more and more vineyards are turning to QR codes as a method of educating consumers.

When Gayle DeRose, L-Tron COO, was recently vacationing in California wine country, she discovered QR codes everywhere!  Chateau Montelena, for example, had QR codes galore. Gayle was able to sample the Chateau’s fine wines and access plenty of information to better educate herself.


Chateau Montelena
Chateau Montelena in California

What else are vineyards using barcodes for? Tracking their supplies, of course! L-Tron’s software and hardware barcoding solutions have everything that a vineyard needs to automate their solutions, saving valuable time and money. Whether you need to simply update your aging fleet withthe Honeywell Voyager, or need a top-down solution, L-Tron has the experts waiting to answer your questions and solve your dilemmas.
