L-Tron Launches new site

L-Tron launches new website, geared toward the user’s experience.

L -Tron is thrilled to announce the “soft” launch of its new dream website, www.L-Tron.com. After over a year of extensive planning and strategic development, the site went live last month.

Built from the ground up, the site is all about user experience and voice of the customer, according to Gayle DeRose, Chief Marketing Officer.

“We knew our old site was outdated and as we studied the site’s data analytics, we found that visitors could not easily find the information they were looking for. We were seeing too many navigation issues on the core pages and that needed to change ASAP. The voice of the customer in the form of analytics was telling us the site wasn’t working well enough for them.”

Gayle DeRose, Chief Marketing Officer, L-Tron

The new website is better organized and much easier to navigate [the data tells the story].

After meeting with several third party marketing agencies, Gayle concluded that her award-winning, in-house “M-Team” knew the Company’s audience better than an outside agency ever could. With that realization came the decision to tackle the new site development internally.

“We’ve accomplished something of enormous magnitude. Many, many hours of collaboration went into the development. Multiple people with different backgrounds and varying areas of expertise came together over a period of over a year. It took a lot of dedication and a whole lot of heart to get it done and as a team and a Company; we could not be more pleased with the final result.”

Gayle DeRose, Chief Marketing Officer, L-Tron

What does the Company like best about the new website? After surveying several members of L-Tron’s team, the consensus is mutual. The “About Us” page is a favorite.

DeRose says “The About Us page provides a glimpse into the culture behind the four walls and allows outsiders to see who we are – both as individuals and as a company. We are fun, quirky, and passionate about what we do. Your Success is Our Purpose rings loud and clear.”  L-Tron publishes weekly content focused on activities and events inside the four walls via news and event posts, and frequent blog articles.

What’s up next for the new site? Aside from adding content our users want to see, watch for future updates, promotions and of course we want your feedback; please send the good, the bad and the ugly to info@L-Tron.com.


L-Tron launches new website – Learn more about the marketing team, and explore our new site.

Get in touch with the L-Tron team.

Call 800-830-9523 or Email info@L-Tron.com
