L-Tron Corporation Drops off Books and Bears Donation for Rochester Children


L-Tron Books and Bears

On Tuesday, May 30th 2017 L-Tron was honored to deliver our Cuddle Bear Books and Bears Donation to City Hall. Mayor Lovely A. Warren accepted the donation of hundreds of teddy bears and children’s books for the Books and Bears Program for the Rochester Police Department.

Books and Bears collects donations of new children’s books and stuffed animals, which patrol officers carry in their cars, to give to young children whom they might encounter at a crime scene or some other traumatic life event. The books and bears are able to build trust between the Officers and children, and are also meant to foster reading and literacy in the community.


“The Books and Bears program is a wonderful example of how a small gesture can lead to great things – which is the essence of community policing. When officers take the time during a busy and hectic event to acknowledge the presence of young children, they are showing those children that they are not invisible, that they matter and that we care about them. I want to thank the L-Tron Corporation for this wonderful donation. These gifts will make a huge impact in the lives of our most vulnerable children.”

– Mayor Lovely A. Warren

Earlier this year, L-Tron kicked off a fundraising campaign to buy teddy bears and children’s books for the Books and Bears Program. The drive raised about $3,400 to buy hundreds of books and bears.


“We work closely with Law Enforcement agencies nationwide and love to show our support through causes that ‘back the blue’ in the local community.”

– Gayle DeRose

The drive was organized by L-Tron employee Carmella DeRose, who is also a consultant with Usborne Books and More, a national distributor children’s books. For every two sets of books and bears donated, Usborne donated a third to the program.

Visit www.cityofrochester.gov/booksandbears to learn more about the Books and Bears program, and the impact it can have on the Rochester community.

Click here to view photos from our donation drop off event. All photos are credited to the Communications Bureau, City of Rochester, NY.

L-Tron Team at City Hall

Books and Bears
