L-Tron is going green to support the environment

L-Tron is going green! The team has made the switch from plastic plates and utensils to reusable silverware in an effort to “go green” in the office. With plastic waste and climate change on the rise, it is important to recognize the impact that an individual can have on the environment. On average, one person disposes of about 4.4 pounds of trash per day, which adds up when we factor in the over 329 million people that populate the United States. One person can truly make a difference when it comes to protecting the environment and reducing waste, which is why our office has decided to take action.

Marisa, a member of our Operations Team, was motivated to “go green” in order to save the planet for her children, her children’s children, and so on. It is our responsibility to protect the environment for future generations by reducing waste, reusing resources, and recycling materials (the “three R’s” of waste management). Marisa initiated this movement last week by swapping out the plastic utensils in the kitchen with silverware and other reusable items. She has experienced no push back from the office and has already noticed the impact of this change. In just one week, there has been less trash being thrown out in the kitchen and an increased mindfulness of waste reduction. One person truly can make a difference and L-Tron is dedicated to uniting our office to influence positive change.

“We have to provide a healthy Earth for future generations. L-Tron welcomed a small in-office change that will have a long-term impact on our overall trash. Switching from plastic to reusable silverware even makes the office feel like home – everyone runs the dishwasher.”

Marisa Perez, L-Tron Operations Team

How can you influence positive change?

            There are numerous ways to reuse materials and reduce waste. Here are three simple changes that can have a positive impact on the environment:

  1. Shop with reusable bags to eliminate the use of plastic bags
  2. Pack food in reusable containers, rather than plastic wrap and sandwich bags
  3. Use a reusable water bottle instead of single-use plastic water bottles

These may seem like simple actions, but one small change can have a huge impact!



Questions? Interested in learning more about how L-Tron is going green & our company culture?

Get in touch with the L-Tron team.

Call 800-830-9523 or Email info@L-Tron.com
