Carlos and the L-Tron team at the booth in Reno, Nevada at the IAI Conference

OSCR360 & the L-Tron team spent a week in the desert, learning from Crime Scene Investigators & Techs, sharing case stories, and demonstrating how OSCR360 can assist with crime scene documentation.

The annual IAI conference is the largest educational conference for Investigators, Detectives, and Law Enforcement Professionals. This year’s conference was well attended – with over 100 vendors/exhibitors and 1300 attendees, who descended upon the Peppermill Resort in Reno for the week-long event.

Monday through Wednesday evening were spent in the exhibit hall. OSCR360 and the L-Tron team were able to demonstrate the power of the OSCR System to many departments and show how the system has been assisting agencies in 29+ states. Many investigators immediately realized how the case organization software and photography system could cut down their time at the scene, prevent scene trampling and provide an easy way to walk juries, judges, witnesses, and other officers through a crime scene.

Since the OSCR team had recently traveled through California, many California agencies recognized OSCR. One investigator, who had missed the OSCR presentation when we were in her town, was thrilled to have the opportunity to see and use the system herself. She is hoping that her agency will purchase OSCR in the near future.

After two long days of conferences, the OSCR team attended a fun networking event Wednesday evening. The event allowed all attendees to connect with others in their “focus areas” – whether they were fingerprint analysts, lab personnel, coroners, or crime scene investigators. The event had free lemonade margaritas, and offered a chance for everyone to relax & unwind.

John Presents at the IAI Conference in Reno NV

Conference highlights: Trevor & John speak to noteworthy cases

Perhaps one of the best parts of the conference was having our team members, John & Trevor, speak to notable cases that they had worked on.

Trevor spoke to how he assisted the Monroe County DA in using the OSCR360 system to organize the Craig Rideout Murder case. Many attendees loved learning how the OSCR360 software was utilized during the case – specifically how it helped to tie together over 700 pieces of evidence, spanning multiple counties. Several students approached Trevor after his talk to pick his brain and learn more about the OSCR360 Desktop Software.

John spoke to how he used OSCR360 to investigate a HRSI (Hunting Related Shooting Incident) in western NY. Surprisingly, many of the investigators attending the conference had never investigated an HRSI- but they immediately recognized the challenges of a large outdoor scene. John’s presentation elicited tons of good questions – and students were shocked to learn that the fatal shot in the case was from over 870 feet away.

Meet Your 2019 IAI Conference Presenters

Conference wrap-up & final thoughts on the IAI Conference in Reno, NV

Once again, the team was blown away by the IAI Conference in Reno. We were honored to meet so many wonderful Crime Scene Investigators & Law Enforcement Professionals – thank you for the hard work you do everyday. We hope to see you next year at the 2020 IAI Conference in Orlando, FL.

Congratulations to our giveaway winner Greg from Georgia!

Congratulations to Greg from IAI Reno


Questions? Interested in learning more OSCR360 & our time at the IAI Conference in Reno, Nevada?

Get in touch with the L-Tron team.

Call 800-830-9523 or Email
