“eMarketer forecasts that 55.0% of US internet users 18 and older will redeem digital coupons or codes via any device for online or offline shopping at least once in 2014.” – eMarketer May 2, 2014 

I predict the expected number of users for 2015 is only going to rise. So how can retailers take advantage of this phenomenon?

Mobile couponing builds customer loyalty through higher customer satisfaction and improved customer retention. Consumers like simple solutions, and scanning a smartphone is certainly easy. When companies send out mobile coupons, consumers are more likely to come in and make the purchase with a discount. Plus, coupons keep bringing them back.
On the retailers’ end, mobile loyalty programs build stronger consumer data reports, they reduce overall advertising and promotion costs, and require little-to-no training.
If you haven’t used a mobile coupon before or are unsure of what a mobile customer loyalty program is, it’s easy! We will break it down:
mobile couponing
The flowchart above is exactly how Fleming Brothers Oil Company uses mobile couponing as part of their customer loyalty program that keeps customers coming back for more.
The Fleming Brothers Oil Co. Case Study provides additional insight into the benefits of mobile customer loyalty programs for your business.
Interested in starting you own mobile customer loyalty program? We would love to hear from you. Call (800) 830-9523 or Email us.
