All Law Enforcement Offerings
Over the past 20 years working with law enforcement, we understand that you work a 24/7/365 job with virtually no margin for error. Stress levels are at a max and you are busy keeping us safe all the time. Our job is to alleviate some of that burden by creating tools that make your job easier. It all started with the creation of our driver’s license readers for e-Citation, then continued with the addition of patrol vehicle equipment and accessories, and is evolving to this day with our OSCR360 spherical crime and crash scene equipment. From roadside stops and traffic accidents to crime scene investigation and incident pre-planning, our solutions are developed from your voice. You ask, we deliver.

Never miss a photographic image of the evidence again. The OSCR360 system captures 360 degree spherical images for immediate viewing on the OSCR tablet. The software is simple and easy to use per your request and contains, relates, organizes and preserves all of your digital evidence. Built from your voice and feedback.
Electronic Ticketing, AKA eCitation, is a faster more efficient way to complete your citations and reports. Reduce the time it takes to manually write tickets; get off the curb and back on patrol serving your community.
This course is an opportunity for evidence technicians and investigators to recharge their forensic photography skills and is eligible for is eligible for ACTAR & IAI CEUs.
Taught by Andrew McNeill, MFS, L-Tron Director of Forensic Education.
Ret. 20-year Law Enforcement veteran, ACTAR-accredited collision re-constructionist, IAI certified Senior Crime Scene Analyst, and NYS-certified police instructor.
Topics covered include:
- Exposure values
- Camera settings
- Crime scene procedures
- Macro photography
- Introduction to the benefits of spherical imaging using OSCR360
The world is a dangerous place; situational awareness matters now, more than ever before. There is no denying the game has changed.
With new technologies becoming part of your SOP, distractions can impact your safety and the safety of those around you. When used effectively, technology can improve an officer’s situational awareness – provided he/she is in the right location, the right situation, and embraces the right mindset.
We invested in research and created articles and a whitepaper for your eyes. We hope you find a nugget or two to help keep you safe, and reduce the opportunity distracted patrol to occur.