L-Tron’s 4th of July 2017 Cook out

4th of july 2017

The L-Tron team celebrated 4th of July 2017 a day early this year. On Monday, July 3rd, the team came together to grill, picnic and celebrate America’s independence. 4th of July is one of our favorite holidays and we continued our annual cook out tradition.


As always, L-Tron celebrated with a lot of food. RAD and Gayle provided marinated chicken, which RAD grilled up for the team. Additionally, everyone pitched in and brought in sides and snacks. We had multiple pasta and potato salads, baked beans, chips and chicken sausage. For dessert, we enjoyed watermelon, cupcakes and cookies. Julianne even brought in festive and healthy fruit and granola parfaits (red, white and blue – of course). The L-Tron team took time to enjoy the beautiful weather and ate outside together. Most of the team even remembered to wear red, white and blue!

Check out some pictures from last year’s 4th of July 2016 celebrations here.

We hope all of our family, friends and customers had a happy and safe 4th of July 2017!

4th of July 2017
