Gov Traffic Safety LogoI’m always trying to convince my husband that we should take a vacation. My top destinations? Italy, Greece, Hawaii, France, the Caribbean…to name a few. How about Iowa? Well, it may or may not be on a “Top 5” list, but if you’re in the Law Enforcement or Traffic Safety professions, Iowa should definitely be on your radar!
The Iowa Governor’s Highway Traffic Safety Conference will take place on March 19 & 20, 2013, in Altoona, Iowa. The conference is for local, state, federal and private sector traffic safety professionals, as participants will explore issues, strategies, and successes in the area of traffic safety. Those who attend will have the opportunity to attend workshops and educational sessions, as well as listen to a presentation by award-winning speaker, Officer Jermaine Galloway.
What’s more is that my co-worker, Jason, will be there (in Booth #4) to show off L-Tron’s latest and greatest creation – the 4910LR Microphone-Style Driver’s License Area Imaging Scanner for Law Enforcement and Traffic Safety agencies.
The 4910LR:

  • Is powered by Honeywell’s Adaptus® Imaging Technology 6.0.
  • Features superior barcode scanning, digital image, and intelligent signature capture.
  • Is ideal for patrol car use at traffic stops, accident scenes, and incident scenes.
  • Is fully-compatible with TraCS and other Law Enforcement software programs.

Jason would love the opportunity to show you just what the 4910 can do. Plus, he will have an awesome door prize – a brand new iPad Mini!
So now that I’ve talked you into it, here are 36 “Things To Do” in nearby Des Moines from Trip Advisor!
Enjoy your trip!
