Law Enforcement

OSCR360 Capture Kit Datasheet

OSCR360 Datasheet

This two-page OSCR360 datasheet is a free resource containing detailed specifications for both the OSCR360 Capture Kit & Desktop Software. Learn more about OSCR360 below.  Download this resource by clicking above. What is OSCR360? Fast. Effective. Game-Changing.  OSCR360 a 360-degree spherical camera system, comprised of a capture kit & software The OSCR360 system allows investigators to quickly capture, organize …

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who is dr henry lee?

Who is Dr Henry Lee?

Dr. Henry Lee is a world-renowned forensic scientist with over four decades of international experience in the forensics field. Dr. Lee is known for his capability to help solve high-profile trial cases by discovering small or seemingly hidden evidence. Read more here. Some of the notable high profile cases Dr. Lee worked are: John F. …

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ways to fund oscr360

How to Fund OSCR360

Infographic – Ways to Fund OSCR360 In this 2-page Infographic, you will discover how to fund your OSCR360 purchase. Click on the infographic below to open a linked PDF of this free resource. Easily print and download this PDF. OSCR has traveled to over 400 Federal, State, and Local Law Enforcement, Fire, Environmental Safety agencies, …

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NYSTARS Training with OSCR for crash reconstruction

[Video]: OSCR360 for Crash Reconstruction

Watch as Retired Sergeant & Expert Crash Reconstructionist Chuck Grasso explains how OSCR360 assists with investigations and crash reconstruction. Learn: How easy is OSCR360 to use? How OSCR can assist with gaining search warrants How OSCR allows investigators to clear the scene faster and open roads quicker Crash Reconstruction is critical for victims, families, investigators …

[Video]: OSCR360 for Crash Reconstruction Read More »
