Is the tedium of paperwork keeping your officers from making an arrest or charging a suspect with multiple counts? Do you have clerks on your payroll specifically to type and sometimes retype the forms our legal system forces on the law enforcement community?
police officer
If you answered yes, then you are part of the vast majority of law enforcement that could benefit from an electronic forms solution.
LincDoc EnForce transforms the paper-based charging process with an electronic form solution that is easy-to-use and fast. It can replicate any form, from incident reports to charging affidavits. It pulls the data already in your record management system (RMS) and other data repositories, and then it guides your officers through generating and completing the all required documentation.
LincDoc EnForce streamlines the documentation process with the following capabilities:

  • Uses automated prompts and formatting alerts
  • Eliminates repeated data entry
  • Decreases errors related to manual data entry
  • Works with your existing document/data management systems
  • Eliminates the need to print, scan, or file manually
  • Populates forms automatically with common information such as arrest codes, names, and dates

A police department in Indiana reduced the time to complete the paperwork required when arresting a juvenile from over 1 hour to just 5 minutes. A police department in Massachusetts reduced the time to complete the DCF Child Abuse Form from 15 minutes to just 1 minute. The typical return on investment (ROI) is less than 1 year. These results are typical of all electronic forms provided within law enforcement software.
LincDoc EnForce software allows your employees do more policing and less paperwork.
Call or e-mail us at 800-830-9523 or to schedule a short demonstration or to discuss how this solution can improve your bottom line.
