Co-written by Gayle DeRose, Chief Operating Officer and Sally Schneider, Operations Lead
When people ask us about L-Tron, our first response is to let them know that L-Tron provides cutting-edge data collection and industrial automation solutions.
But lately we’ve been talking about what is L-Tron, and why choose L-Tron?
Yes, L-Tron provides automation solutions for enterprises and government agencies; and yes, L-Tron offers the latest mobile computing and barcoding technology; yet these statements do not capture the heart and soul that goes on behind the scenes at L-Tron.
If you really want to know what L-Tron is, we think it is important to communicate that our mission isn’t just to sell innovative technology.  Our motto is: Your Success is Our Passion – and we “walk the talk.”
So how do we help our customers be successful? There are lots of ways, but the following example of service excellence from Sally, L-Tron’s Operations Lead, summarizes it nicely.

Why Choose L-Tron?

“An L-Tron Key Account Customer recently requested an update on all of his open orders. This particular customer had a total of 17 open orders, which involved well over 20 vendor orders. I created a spreadsheet to outline all of the information our customer required to be able to update his customers and so that he could view the information in one quick glance.  The spreadsheet included – for each order – all PO numbers, P/N’s, in-stock quantity, customer PO quantity, outstanding order quantity, previously shipped quantity, and expected ship dates.  I stayed late to complete this on a Friday evening so that our customer could have the update on his desk by the following Monday morning. I continue to keep the spreadsheet updated as changes occur—often multiple times daily and update our customer at a minimum of once a week.”
Why do we stay late on Friday nights?  Why do we go the extra mile? Why do we deliver superior service with a smile?  Perhaps Mahatma Ghandi sums it up best:

A customer is the most important “visitor” on our premises.

He is not dependent on us. We are dependent on him.

He is not an interruption in our work – he is the purpose of it.

We are not doing him a favor by serving him.

He is doing us a favor by giving us the opportunity to serve him.”
Mahatma Ghandi

The L-Tron Team would like to thank you for your business. We appreciate the opportunity to serve you as our customer and hope that we are doing everything possible to meet your needs.  We welcome your feedback– how are we doing? Please call 585-383-0050 x118 or email: and let us know!
