Between paperwork overload, case overload, and high job turnover rates, caseworkers and agencies are struggling to keep up. The fact is children and families may not be able to get the focused care that they need, read more in our blog titled: ‘The Challenges Caseworkers Face Everyday‘.
The Solution
L-Tron has partnered with Zebra Technologies to offer a purpose-built, easily customizable, mobile solution that addresses the critical needs of Child Protective Services caseworkers, so they can focus on what matters most – the children. Improving overall caseworker efficiency, the ChildFirst mobile solution eliminates the need for excessive and repetitive paperwork, reduces the high rate of employee burnout, redundant reporting processes and is simple and easy to use with little to no training.
When you spend less time on paperwork and more time on cases, the result is a better outcome!
The ChildFirst Mobile Solution also addresses key issues that have created a bottleneck in the DSS/HHS system:
- Increase security of information: Use the ChildFirst Solution’s secure encryption to protect sensitive child and case information.
- Quickly & easily complete reports during your on-site visits
- Access files anytime: including medical records, court orders, police reports, photos, videos, and audio.
- Eliminate manual data entry: save time with the autofill option for entering repetitive information, such as name, address, and date of birth.
- Simple and easy to use: designed with the user in mind, simple auto-fill format and simple mobile design for intuitive navigation
- Significantly reduce administrative burden on the caseworker: this allows for a faster response time that is critical in child welfare cases
- Eliminate employee burnout: Streamline reporting and form processing, freeing up time to better care for the children.
ChildFirst Solution uses mobile technology to equip caseworkers in the field with:
- Easily customizable to replicate your forms
- Quick and secure data transmission to your databases (push and pull information securely)
- Real-time access to case data and history in real time with or without network connection
- Take photos, video, audio and convert dictation to text
- Capture signatures, confirm locations with GPS, and pull case history in seconds
- Simple mobile design: large buttons, clean input field layout, easy data entry, no clutter, minimal training is needed
- Greater accountability, focusing on the children first!
The ChildFirst Solution software platform enables caseworkers to easily report data on mobile devices such as tablets or smartphones like Zebra’s TC70/75 or TC55.
This mobile solution is a framework and starting point that we customize for existing use with your procedures and tools.
Once the case data is entered into the application, it can be automatically transmitted to backend local/county databases and Statewide Automated Child Welfare Information Systems (SACWIS).
L-Tron’s Chief Operating Officer, Gayle DeRose says, “We’ve worked diligently with our partners and collaborated with our clients to deploy a solution that will vastly improve your reporting, accuracy, and accountability in Health and Human Service agencies. The ChildFirst Solution represents extensive research and technical development all with the children and their welfare in mind.”
We welcome your questions and feedback as we reach out to Health and Human Services (HHS) agencies to collaborate to solve some of the paperwork challenges CPS caseworkers face every day.
Contact Us
Call 800-830-9523 or
Stay tuned for more information about the ChildFirst Solution.