party celebrationL-Tron’s exclusive 4910LR just turned one year old this month, and it’s been a great year! Year over year, unit sales have increased over 40% from its 4810LR predecessor and we’ve added new agencies in at least five states where we previously had none. The 4910LR is the third generation in L-Tron’s License Reader series of 2D barcode imagers designed for Law Enforcement Patrol Vehicle use. The 4810LR launched in 2008. The 4710LR had a four year run before that.
Sellers and users alike have expected technology and its implementation to improve over time and the 4910LR has not disappointed! Internally, we’re extremely pleased with the product performance and quality, but more importantly, 4910 users have provided very positive feedback. In fact, at a recent Law Enforcement Conference, we were thrilled to discover that many satisfied users have nicknamed the 4910 “Black Beauty”!
What do 4910LR users like?

  • Daylight barcode scanning, even in direct sunlight, is vastly improved. Direct sunlight washout problems are a thing of the past.
  • Nighttime barcode scanning. The strobing white LED backlight was replaced by a bank of red LED bulbs that are much better suited for use at night.
  • LED aiming. The bright green LED aiming bar that replaced the laser cross-hair aimer of the 4810 has been very well received.
  • Increased durability is noticeable the first time you pick up a 4910. The shock resistant housing and protective synthetic boot add significantly to the robustness of the device.
  • Performance. Rapid barcode scanning and more lenient read zones improve the user experience.

L-Tron 4910LR
The License Reader product series is what brought me to L-Tron after the release of the 4810LR over five years ago and it remains my product specialty today. I would like to share some thanks on this occasion.
Thank you to our Operations Team, who take an off-the-shelf product and customize it by installing firmware, assembling it, and packaging it to final product. (They’ve built an awful lot of 4910 kits this year.) Thank you to our Marketing Department, who get the message out there that L-Tron has the best solution on the market for patrol vehicle driver’s license scanning. Thank you to our partners at Honeywell Scanning & Mobility, who developed a great barcode scanner that serves as the platform for the 4910. Thank you to our industry partners, both mobile enforcement software companies and patrol vehicle upfitters, for your support of our device and the new users you expose it to.
Most importantly, thank you to all of our product users. Without you, there would be no 4910.
We are always here to support our product and I am personally more than happy to provide 4910 technical assistance to any user, whether you’re a CTO or a Patrol Officer. Feel free to contact me directly at 585-383-0050 x120.
Thanks everyone for a fantastic first year for the 4910LR!
