Students practicing and participating in STEM programs in school

STEM Programs: Are They Effective in the United States?

  by Alexandra Meyers STEM Education. We’ve all heard about it, we know what it is. It’s a nationwide program intended to educate students with a focus on Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics throughout elementary, middle, and high school. The goal of STEM programs in the United States is to encourage students of all ages …

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PSP Reconstruction Seminar

What it was like to Capture Crashes with OSCR360 at the PSP Reconstruction Seminar

Last month, I had the opportunity to travel with OSCR360 to Gettysburg, PA for the 2017 Pennsylvania State Police (PSP) Reconstruction Seminar. . The PSP Reconstruction Seminar attracted over 350 attendees and was free to active Law Enforcement reconstructionists. I had a great time at the conference with my co-workers Alex and Chuck, a retired sergeant …

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PSP Crash

Key Components of a Comprehensive Crash Investigation

There are several key components of a comprehensive crash investigation. The first officer to arrive at a crash typically finds it chaotic at best. As in any situation, the officer’s first priority is the preservation of life.  Second is the preservation of the scene and any possible evidence. Once the scene is secured and victims …

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how to engage and retain millennials

How to Engage and Retain Millennials in the Workforce

Millennials tend to get a bad rap of being lazy, entitled and disloyal. If even a whisper of this was true, Millennials wouldn’t stand a chance in the job market. Why would anyone want to hire someone like this? Yet, the reality is that 75% of the workforce will be millennials in the next ten …

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L-Tron’s Beginnings – Women in Leadership Roles

It’s not too often we hear about or see women in technology leadership roles. In a world where women now make up the majority of the workforce, this ‘women in technology’ (or lack-there-of) stigma needs to change. Discover how Gayle DeRose, L-Tron’s COO, Marketing Director, and Co-Owner, grew into a leadership role in our company and how she chose the …

L-Tron’s Beginnings – Women in Leadership Roles Read More »

How to Decide if a Mobile App is Right for your Business

On a fairly regular basis, we are asked if we sell a mobile application that can do one thing or another for a business. Frequently this request is coming from a business looking to automate an existing process or looking to do something completely new in the hopes of giving their business some sort of …

How to Decide if a Mobile App is Right for your Business Read More »

Distracted Patrol and Technology

6 Tips to Prevent Distracted Patrol

To prevent patrol distraction, a critical element is the modification of work practice controls to ensure you’re using technology and other tools as safely as possible. A work practice control (sometimes referenced as an “engineering” or “administrative control”) is a procedural modification that reduces risk and/or exposure while on-the-job by altering how a particular task …

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embedded pc and hmi

3 Reasons Why Pairing an Embedded PC with your HMI is the Right Move

With the increase in demand for diversified HMI (Human Machine Interface) PCs, I thought that it was important to address the three reasons why pairing an Embedded PC with your HMI is the right move to make. 1.  Everything Wrapped in One Application software can be demanding on the integrated hardware driving it, which is …

3 Reasons Why Pairing an Embedded PC with your HMI is the Right Move Read More »
