Super Screens, Super Sensors: Super Bowl Technology at XLIX

While we were sad to see our 2014 Fantasy Football season come to an end, the football fans here at L-Tron have turned our attention to Super Bowl XLIX this weekend! Whether you are cheering for the Seattle Seahawks, rooting on the New England Patriots, or just watching to see the commercials, it’s sure to …

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The 5 Big EN50155 Compliance Requirements for Railway Applications

One of the most unique industrial automation applications that I have encountered is railway rolling stock. Harsh environmental variances and the fact that this is a moving application contribute to the complexity of this type of application. Without a doubt, the EN50155 standard is vital to all railway applications, since it addresses the application requirements …

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4 Things to Consider When Looking at a Mobile POS System

So, you have heard about Mobile Point of Sale (Mobile POS or mPOS). You have heard that it can do great things for your business and make your life easier. The next thought you may have is “Where do I start?” Well, there are four main considerations for your business..

The Lord of the Servers: The Three Questions

It’s big, it’s there, and it’s probably cursed by every member of the IT department of your business: It’s your server. In my last post I covered the three main types of servers that you as a small business owner were likely to encounter. Today, I will be providing you with a quick reference to …

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The Lord of the Servers: The Fellowship of the Server

It’s big, it’s there and it’s probably cursed by every member of the IT department of your business: it’s your server. It’s how your business operates, and every business uses one of some kind. Be they a small business using a personal computer or a tower server – to the midsized enterprise utilizing blade servers …

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Video Game Hides Barcode Treasure with QR Codes

Google has been known to hide some Easter eggs in their applications and websites from time to time (like their Google Images Atari Breakout). But they’re not alone – programmers and web developers love to hide special features in their code. The same holds true for video game developers. I recently decided to blow the …

Video Game Hides Barcode Treasure with QR Codes Read More »

Back to School with Mobile Tech Solutions

Having just recently graduated from college (Go Tigers!), it’s a bit of a weird feeling for me not heading back to class this fall. But that doesn’t mean school isn’t on my mind – I’m just seeing school from a different perspective. Now, stepping into the data collection/automation industry, I see plenty of opportunities on …

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A Little Bit Closer to Star Trek: Why Evolving Matters

When I was a child I grew up watching Star Trek: The Next Generation and was entertained every week by what I thought was a galaxy and the possibility that I would never see it in my lifetime. Really, warp drives? Traveling to new worlds and civilizations? Computers that can generate food? Surely something like …

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Competing Standards and the Internet of Things (IoT)

“The nice thing about standards is that there are so many of them to choose from.” -Andrew S. Tanenbaum (Computer Networks: 2nd Edition ©1988)   As a connoisseur of fine sarcastic wit, this specimen has long been a favorite of mine and it’s every bit as true today (probably more so) as it was over …

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Digital Signage: Step into the Modern Age

Are you one of those people who are distracted very easily by bright, shiny things? If I am walking around outside and see something that seems to be shouting, “HEY! YOU! LOOK AT ME!” chances are I’m going to stop and stare for at least ten seconds…and it is because of people like you and …

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