What is OSCR360? Everything to Everyone

What is OSCR360? Everything to Everyone

What is OSCR360? One tool that does everything. From Spork to Swiss army knife, since at least (201-300 A.D.) the human race has crammed convenience and functionality into singular forms. Whether gear, or strategic approach, today the “multi-tool” reigns supreme. In the public safety sector, the OSCR360 spherical photographic solution, began as a multi-tool, but …

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103rd International Association for Identification

103rd International Association for Identification (IAI) Conference Wrap Up

Travel a 20-year detour in public service, stick to your standards, add some professional doubt, and you just might surpass your career goals after all. That’s what L-Tron Corporation’s Andrew McNeill did last month at the 103rd International Association for Identification (IAI) Educational Conference. The retired Monroe County Sheriff’s Deputy and certified IAI Senior Crime Scene …

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PSP Crash

Key Components of a Comprehensive Crash Investigation

There are several key components of a comprehensive crash investigation. The first officer to arrive at a crash typically finds it chaotic at best. As in any situation, the officer’s first priority is the preservation of life.  Second is the preservation of the scene and any possible evidence. Once the scene is secured and victims …

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