National Pay It Forward Day

When was the last time someone did something out of the ordinary for you? Better yet, when was the last time you did something out of the ordinary for someone else? National Pay It Forward Day is an international initiative to help inspire random acts of kindness around the world, and is celebrated today, April …

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mismatched shoes

Fun Friday: Two Different Shoes

“RAD, why are you wearing two different shoes?” Here’s our hard working CEO who had no idea he had put mis-matching shoes on this morning! But he did end up putting on two matching ones….  

A note from a happy client…

Always makes our day! But it is very special when a client takes the time to send a handwritten note to our customer service manager to say thank you. Guess what we received in the mail a few weeks ago?  A handwritten note from Ed thanking Brandon (a member of our technical product team) for his proactive customer …

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St Patrick’s Day Fun at the LTC

St Patty’s Day Fun! Although we did not have a St Patrick’s day parade inside the company walls and perhaps could not surpass the Top 10 St Patrick’s Day Grand Celebrations according to National Geographic, we managed to have some fun in between all the busyness of our work day! Wearing something green was the only requirement …

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April Fools!

Happy April Fools Day! We all enjoy a few good pranks (especially with Annoy-A-Trons) –  so of course we had to do some in the office. Here is Stephanie – here computer monitor was turned upside down:   Want to pull some tech jokes in your office?  Click for a list of Top 10 Tech …

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Happy Birthday Debbie

Happy Birthday Debbie! Debbie celebrated her March birthday with us this week. Here are 3 fun facts about her: She is our 4910LR kitting ‘Queen’ Her hobbies include DIY everything, cooking, and traveling She was a dancer in a Lionel Richie video (can you find her in the music video or the photo below?)   And …

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Spring is here!

Happy First Day of Spring (on March 20th)! Although we had a very light winter – and by light I mean that Niagara Falls didn’t freeze like it did last year…(dont believe me? click here), we are thrilled that it is finally Spring! In fact, it has already been warm enough for flowers to sprout …

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