Assets, Inventory, and Everything in Between

(a 3 minute read…) Companies often find themselves in a tight spot when it comes to keeping track of “physical things” owned by the business. In most instances, there will be a lot of “things” to keep track of, so keeping tabs on everything can be daunting. The good news is that Asset Management Systems …

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industry 4.0

Industry 4.0 is Here

(a 3 minute read…) Late in the 18th century, water and steam power transformed manufacturing, prompting the Industrial Revolution. In 1870, almost a century later, electricity enabled mass production, launching the 2nd Industrial Revolution. In 1969, electronics emerged and, with information technology, took manufacturing to another level in the 3rd Industrial Revolution. While it has …

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lean manufacturing

Lean Manufacturing: Work Leaner, Stay Safe

  Lean manufacturing objectives target efficiency in the workplace. Eliminating wasted movement and reducing downtime are two ways that manufacturers can improve their operational efficiency and productivity. Learn more about lean manufacturing in this infographic. But it doesn’t come at the expense of worker or work environment safety. In fact, lean manufacturing should enhance the …

Lean Manufacturing: Work Leaner, Stay Safe Read More »

IoT vulnerabilities

IoT Security Risks: The Vulnerabilities

  When it comes to IoT security risks, we know that there are many areas of potential vulnerabilities that we must be watchful of. We’ve become accustomed to data security threats, but the embedded devices on the Internet of Things (IoT) pose different challenges than those of the computers and mobile devices. Embedded device examples include: …

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jit vs lean manufacturing

JIT vs Lean Manufacturing: What’s the Difference

Lean manufacturing principles are implemented to improve quality and reduce waste. View an [Infographic]: What is Lean Manufacturing and how can it help you? Inventory represents one of the largest sources of waste in the manufacturing industry. Maintaining too much inventory—raw materials and finished products—absorbs excess cost in capital, inventory, and space. Inventory shortages lead …

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IoT for Manufacturing

4 Ways IoT Improves Manufacturing

  The Internet of Things (IoT) seems to expand daily. The devices that connect with the cloud are touching every aspect of our culture—from the smart home to medical devices to the manufacturing industry. With the need to streamline manufacturing processes to work as efficiently as possible, the IoT provides many avenues for working smarter …

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IIoT: You Need More “I’s” on the Plant Floor

  The Internet of Things (IoT) sparked excitement as the next great thing in technology. Learn more about IoT here. Using sensors embedded in everything from home appliances to clothing, consumers are jazzed about what smart technology can do: changing the temperature in your home when you’re away checking your heart rate and letting you …

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Get Lean with 2D Data Matrix Barcodes, Part 3

Thanks for stopping back in to read the 3rd part of this series on “Getting LEAN” with Data Matrix Barcodes in the manufacturing industry. If you missed the first two parts, you can read them here: Part 1  Part 2  Application Versatility Whether it be the assembly lines, final assembly lines, test and measurement locations, …

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barcode scanning in manufacturing

Get Lean with 2D Data Matrix Barcodes, Part 2

Welcome back to my series on how to Get LEAN by implementing 2D Matrix Barcodes in your manufacturing facility. In my last blog, I shared how the physical features of a 2D Data Matrix barcode that has been applied via Direct Part Mark (DPM) have been beneficial to manufacturers of Print Circuit Boards (PCBs) and …

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Get Lean with 2D Data Matrix Barcodes, Part 1

As manufacturing continues to evolve, so do the requirements of their end users. Quality, price and lead time have never meant more to the manufacturing industry, so looking for ways to improve these criteria without sacrificing one for the other has become a necessity. In the manufacturing world, this concept is known as getting “lean”. …

Get Lean with 2D Data Matrix Barcodes, Part 1 Read More »
