Advantech ADAM Remote IO Modules

5 Tips for Selecting the Correct Advantech Remote I/O Module-Part III

In Part I and Part II of Selecting the Correct Advantech Remote I/O Module, I addressed Determining Physical Interface and Supported Protocols. In Part III, I will cover Analog/Digital, Input/Out and Number of Channels. It’s important to address these areas so that there is no discrepancy in the differences between Analog and Digital, the Input and …

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Advantech ADAM Remote IO Modules

5 Tips for Selecting the Correct Advantech Remote I/O Module-Part II

In Part I of this three-part series, I discussed Determining Physical Interface. In this blog, I will address Supported Protocols in relation to each series available under the Advantech Remote I/O Module umbrella. This is an important area to address in order to gain a better understanding of the protocols available, while addressing the limitations …

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Advantech ADAM Remote IO Modules

5 Tips for Selecting the Correct Advantech Remote I/O Module – Part 1

I get a lot of calls from customers asking for assistance in selecting the appropriate Advantech Remote I/O Module for their application. Since these modules are commonly utilized and change from project to project, I thought it would be a good idea to include five tips that will enable you to successfully make the correct …

5 Tips for Selecting the Correct Advantech Remote I/O Module – Part 1 Read More »

The IoT from A to Z: Your Guide to the Internet of Things

There’s a good chance you’ve heard about IoT (Internet of Things) by now. But even if you have heard the term, do you truly understand what it means or how it applies to your life? Here are the answers to some common questions you might have about IoT. What exactly is the Internet of Things? The …

The IoT from A to Z: Your Guide to the Internet of Things Read More »
