Forensic Photography Refresher Course

Refreshing Forensic Photo Skills is a MUST for a Crime Scene Technician

  That little green AUTO icon on your camera is forensic evil.   If you’re a crime scene technician, you’ve heard this for years; yet you admit you didn’t listen. Human nature took over. Blame your ancestors if you wish. Laziness is a trait left over from our ancestors’ need to conserve energy to hunt. …

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Police Officers & Suicide

Mental Health: How Suicide Calls can Affect Officers

False narratives disguised as advice are dangerous.   New York Times comprehensive coverage of suicide after the deaths of fashion designer Kate Spade and chef Anthony Bourdain held one disappointment. In the piece “What to Do When a Loved One Is Severely Depressed,” a mental health expert offers that in some cases, calling 911 may …

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Blue Light

Share your Blue for Trooper Clark

“Big things come in small packages.” Idiom or cliché.  Lesson or quip.  Difficult as it was to grasp as a child, it now makes complete sense. Same for small gestures.  They mean big things.   The Police Benevolent Association of the New York State Troopers is asking New Yorkers to “Go Blue” tomorrow by displaying …

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thin blue line

What Police Week Means to Me

  Void. It’s the word I think of during National Police Week. Emptiness. In time, in space, in places personal to each one of us. It’s the pain in our hearts, the anger in our minds, the wrenching in our guts. It’s a vacuum in cop’s kids’ futures. It is the children who will never …

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situational awareness

Distracted Police Driving: How to Limit Patrol Car Distractions & Increase Situational Awareness

Thinking. The best protection for most distracted motorists on the road. If you’re a street cop you observe approaching vehicles, plates, stickers, drivers, passengers, and unique characteristics. Not much to absorb in a glance, right? Patrol is full of distractions and distracted police driving is real. Since you can’t really patrol from one spot, you …

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Life After Law Enforcement

Still the New Kid – Life after Law Enforcement

Still the New Kid   Five months later I’m still figuring it out.  My job. If you were desperate enough to read of my sortie into the tech industry, this is an update. Late last year I was the “new kid” who segued from a 26-year law enforcement career into the “Edu-Techie” team at L-Tron …

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New Kid on the Block, Part 3

Written by Hank Kula When friends ask what I do at L-Tron, I answer honestly, “I don’t know.”  As I mentioned in part 2, company roles are continually evolving, and you can read about my Law Enforcement background, prior to L-Tron, in Part 1. Summarily, I write “content” in connection with our crime scene / …

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welcome to l-tron

New Kid on the Block, Part 2

Written by Hank Kula When I walked into L-Tron on my first day, I was greeted by CEO RAD DeRose. Talk about cool names.  He was RAD.  (Sorry.) RAD had a new laptop for me.  Score.  The laptop is touch screen.  Double score.  With the laptop came VPN.  Heard of it. Knew what it was. …

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New Kid on the Block, Part 1

Written by Hank Kula Fifty-six.  Looking for a job.  At an interview I was asked, “So, what do you want to be when you grow up?” Normal, right? Normal for L-Tron Corporation. After twenty-six years a cop, 2017 was prime time to retire.  Colleagues’ not-so-subtle hints about how I stayed too long turned into, “So …

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