How to Decide if a Mobile App is Right for your Business

On a fairly regular basis, we are asked if we sell a mobile application that can do one thing or another for a business. Frequently this request is coming from a business looking to automate an existing process or looking to do something completely new in the hopes of giving their business some sort of …

How to Decide if a Mobile App is Right for your Business Read More »

Scan a Driver's License above the steering wheel to increase awareness of your surroundings

Muscle Memory & Process-Oriented Culture

Open eyes. Shut off alarm clock. Drink coffee. Get dressed. Brush teeth. Leave for work. Whether on patrol or in the lab, we all have a routine similar to this one. While each of our routines may vary slightly (get kids ready for school, read paper, watch news, etc.), there are commonalities, themes, and outcomes …

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Pocket Scanners: What Are They, Who Needs Them and Why?

Recently, while talking about different projects I’m working on, I mentioned a project involving Bluetooth pocket scanners. A colleague asked me what I was talking about, so I figured if someone in our company isn’t familiar with the term, it’s probably a good blog topic. The product I’m currently working with is the CipherLab 1664. …

Pocket Scanners: What Are They, Who Needs Them and Why? Read More »


4 Things to Consider When Looking at a Mobile POS System

So, you have heard about Mobile Point of Sale (Mobile POS or mPOS). You have heard that it can do great things for your business and make your life easier. The next thought you may have is “Where do I start?” Well, there are four main considerations for your business..

Fishing the Trout & Salmon Runs via Barcode

Over the last 10 years, the Fall salmon runs off of Lake Ontario have become a popular destination for many anglers. The number of anglers, along with the influx of business, makes the larger tributary towns the place to be from September through the end of October. Unfortunately, with increased fishing popularity, there are less …

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Choosing a Barcode Scanner, Part 3 (Presentation Scanning Considerations)

If you’ve been following my latest blog series, you’ll know that Part 1 covered linear barcode scanners vs 2D barcode scanners, while Part 2 introduced handheld scanning vs presentation-style scanning, with a focus on handheld scanning considerations. In today’s blog, I will continue the topic of handheld scanning vs presentation scanning, with a focus on …

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Choosing a Barcode Scanner, Part 2 (Handheld Scanning Considerations)

In Part 1 of this series, I discussed linear barcode scanners versus 2D barcode scanners, as well as general purpose versus industrial scanners. Now that we’ve narrowed down your choice to linear or 2D and general purpose or industrial scanners, let’s get into the next broad category division of barcode scanners; handheld versus presentation scanning. …

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Choosing a Barcode Scanner, Part 1 (Barcode Type and Environment)

Here at L-Tron, we are frequently asked the following question: “Do I Need a Linear or 2D Barcode Scanner?” The first step in choosing a barcode scanner is knowing which types of barcodes you need to scan. This will mostly boil down to whether you only need to read linear (1D) barcodes or whether you …

Choosing a Barcode Scanner, Part 1 (Barcode Type and Environment) Read More »

What’s the deal with SCADA anyway?

From the ‘conversations that I’ve actually had’ department: “Hey Steve, do you have a second?” “Sure, what’s up?” “What’s SCADA?” “I have no idea, don’t we have people that actually know the answer to that question?” “Yes, but I’m insinuating that you should write a blog about it.” Great idea, Chief of Operations! Because I …

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