can you get a virus from a qr code

Can you get a virus from a QR Code? Fact or Fiction

There have been growing discussions about the very real possibility of using the increasingly popular QR code as a malware vector, and at least one real world exploit encountered by anti-malware heavyweight Kaspersky Lab.

So, can you really “infect” a barcode? Can you get a virus from a QR code? Well, yes and no.

Vehicle Industrial USB Hubs

I’ve noticed that more and more industries are putting computers into their vehicles these days.  This can make their mobile employees more productive, give them access to real-time data, and provide a better overall experience for customers.  When the computer lacks sufficient USB ports for connecting peripherals, a USB hub is used.  Because a vehicle …

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Industrial PC Hard Drives Unavailable due to Thailand Flooding

For all of you Industrial PC users out there that have not yet received the message, sourcing hard drives for the next few months is going to be a tough gig.  Hard Drive manufacturer Western Digital in Thailand is underwater.  In fact, they are actually sending divers in to recover their equipment.  This has led to a big demand for …

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Barcode Scanner Interface: Connect and Communicate

Did you know that there are multiple types of computers that you can attach a barcode scanner to?  The following post is intended to cover the most common barcode scanner interface options, primarily as they relate to the PC, but is by no means inclusive of all interface options.  It’s important to note up front that …

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Pride at L-Tron during Customer Service Week

I wanted to take this opportunity to spotlight the L-Tron Operations team.  The team has continually demonstrated outstanding efforts in supporting the company’s core beliefs when servicing our customers. Having been in sales and marketing for the majority of my career, I am well aware of the importance of creating a environment within a company that places …

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We Need To Talk…Managing a Data Collection Project

Come on, admit it.  You thought this was a topic on relationships and getting in touch with your feelings, didn’t you?  Well, in a sense, it is–at least, the former, anyway. Ok, we all really, really fear hearing those words from our significant others.  We are in cruise mode thinking everything is fine.  Then, out …

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Why Businesses Use Tablet PCs for Paperwork

Popularity of Tablet Computers Have you noticed how popular tablet computers are these days?  It seems that tablets are not only in the home and education environments, but also in the business and government settings.  The use of tablet PCs for paperwork is becomming more prevalent, as well.  Here are some of the factors that are driving this increase …

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Using Bar Codes To Save Lives!

So, if you have followed any of my previous blogs, you will see I have written about how some of my recent medical issues relate to using bar codes.  Medical errors are widely acknowledged as a major threat to patient safety.  Having been privy to the interworkings of how my local hospital kept track of patient meds, tests …

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Industrial PCs – ISA Slots Are Still Alive

During my time as an industrial computer salesman, I have learned that there are still a good amount of customers with a pressing need for ISA slots.  At the end of the day, it isn’t always feasible to re-design software and find replacement I/O cards that adhere to the newer standards such as PCIe.  Time …

Industrial PCs – ISA Slots Are Still Alive Read More »
