Choosing a Barcode Scanner, Part 3 (Presentation Scanning Considerations)

If you’ve been following my latest blog series, you’ll know that Part 1 covered linear barcode scanners vs 2D barcode scanners, while Part 2 introduced handheld scanning vs presentation-style scanning, with a focus on handheld scanning considerations. In today’s blog, I will continue the topic of handheld scanning vs presentation scanning, with a focus on …

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Digital Signage: Step into the Modern Age

Are you one of those people who are distracted very easily by bright, shiny things? If I am walking around outside and see something that seems to be shouting, “HEY! YOU! LOOK AT ME!” chances are I’m going to stop and stare for at least ten seconds…and it is because of people like you and …

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How to Choose the Correct HMI for your Application

As with any big purchase, it is often difficult to choose the “best” option. I sometimes drive myself crazy researching my options and trying to determine how to get the most bang for my buck. Well, as many of my clients have shared with me, there are times when it isn’t easy to select the …

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The Dirty Seven: Waste in Manufacturing

Let’s face it, the world economy isn’t quite where we would love to see it nowadays. Profit margins all over the world are slipping, and every company big and small is looking for ways to eliminate waste in manufacturing processes. Leading experts have designated seven areas that are driving to wasted inventory, space, resources, time …

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Choosing a Barcode Scanner, Part 2 (Handheld Scanning Considerations)

In Part 1 of this series, I discussed linear barcode scanners versus 2D barcode scanners, as well as general purpose versus industrial scanners. Now that we’ve narrowed down your choice to linear or 2D and general purpose or industrial scanners, let’s get into the next broad category division of barcode scanners; handheld versus presentation scanning. …

Choosing a Barcode Scanner, Part 2 (Handheld Scanning Considerations) Read More »

Your Industrial PC Checklist: How to Order Everything You Need!

Most customers that order Industrial PCs have one hope; that it is delivered fully configured and operational. What they don’t know is that there are so many different configurations available, they must be very specific regarding the exact configuration they require. I decided to make a list of what should be accounted for when ordering …

Your Industrial PC Checklist: How to Order Everything You Need! Read More »

Choosing a Barcode Scanner, Part 1 (Barcode Type and Environment)

Here at L-Tron, we are frequently asked the following question: “Do I Need a Linear or 2D Barcode Scanner?” The first step in choosing a barcode scanner is knowing which types of barcodes you need to scan. This will mostly boil down to whether you only need to read linear (1D) barcodes or whether you …

Choosing a Barcode Scanner, Part 1 (Barcode Type and Environment) Read More »

ET Phone Home: The Changing Game of Digital Rights Management

No matter how you feel about Digital Rights Management, the fact of the matter in this day and age is that protecting your software (and thus your investment) is sort of a “big deal.” It was estimated by the Business Software Alliance that in 2011 software piracy alone accounted for over $63.4 billion in lost …

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Celebrating One Year of the 4910LR

L-Tron’s exclusive 4910LR just turned one year old this month, and it’s been a great year! Year over year, unit sales have increased over 40% from its 4810LR predecessor and we’ve added new agencies in at least five states where we previously had none. The 4910LR is the third generation in L-Tron’s License Reader series …

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Why Does the 4910LR Have a 3310g Sticker On It?

If I had a nickel for every time I’ve heard this question… Since we introduced our 4910LR Barcode Scanner  to the Law Enforcement community back in April of 2013, I’ve fielded the following question enough times where I feel it might be easier if I put my answer in writing. So here’s the burning question: …

Why Does the 4910LR Have a 3310g Sticker On It? Read More »
