What is Electronic Ticketing and Why Do You Need it?

Technology changes everything. Law enforcement is no exception. You now have more tech tools than ever to help you solve crimes and protect the people you serve. In recent years, electronic citations (aka “electronic ticketing”, “eCitations”, or “e-citations”) has changed the way officers issue traffic violations—for the better. What is electronic ticketing? Electronic citations simplify …

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eCitation’s Electronic Ticketing Solution Serves and Protects

There’s nothing “routine” about a traffic stop. Every time an officer pulls over a driver, he puts his life on the line. 39% of officer fatalities in 2014 were due to traffic-related incidents. Protecting law enforcement agents who are trying to protect the community has become a major initiative. Electronic ticketing delivers a solution to reducing …

eCitation’s Electronic Ticketing Solution Serves and Protects Read More »

The IoT from A to Z: Your Guide to the Internet of Things

There’s a good chance you’ve heard about IoT (Internet of Things) by now. But even if you have heard the term, do you truly understand what it means or how it applies to your life? Here are the answers to some common questions you might have about IoT. What exactly is the Internet of Things? The …

The IoT from A to Z: Your Guide to the Internet of Things Read More »

Q&A with Our Getac Product Specialist

We’ve recently added a new Premier Partner to the family – Getac. Like any new partner, questions like “Who’s Getac? What products do they offer? Where can I go to get more information?” come up from people calling in interested in learning more. So, we turn to our internal Getac product specialist to answer these …

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Scan a Driver's License above the steering wheel to increase awareness of your surroundings

Muscle Memory & Process-Oriented Culture

Open eyes. Shut off alarm clock. Drink coffee. Get dressed. Brush teeth. Leave for work. Whether on patrol or in the lab, we all have a routine similar to this one. While each of our routines may vary slightly (get kids ready for school, read paper, watch news, etc.), there are commonalities, themes, and outcomes …

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Q&A: Breaking Down Your Receipt Printer Options

Q&A: Breaking Down Your Receipt Printer Options Q: Thermal or Impact? A: Thermal Most of the time, anyway. Thermal receipt printers are quieter, faster and not having to worry about ribbon cartridges means fewer consumables to manage. Thermal paper is your only consumable. *Hint: Make sure you don’t confuse thermal transfer with direct thermal. Thermal …

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6 Qualities to Consider when Selecting an Industrial Automation Systems Integrator, Part II

In Part I of the Six Qualities to Consider when selecting an Industrial Automation systems integrator, I discussed Product & Application Knowledge, Application Engineering & Development Experience, and Product Offering. Part II will address the final three of six qualities I consider vital to selecting the appropriate systems integrator. The Final Three Qualities all Systems …

6 Qualities to Consider when Selecting an Industrial Automation Systems Integrator, Part II Read More »

Branching out with Mobile POS

Spring Landscaping: Don’t Let Long Checkout Lines Get You Down!

Spring has finally arrived! If you live in the Northeastern states like us L-Troner’s, then I’m sure you were probably starting to think it would never arrive. February was Rochester, NY’s coldest month…Ever. Can you believe that the average temperature was only 12.2 degrees? Brrr! But now that spring is here, my mind is on …

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6 Qualities to Consider when Selecting an Industrial Automation Systems Integrator, Part I

For all of the Industrial Automation customers out there looking to bring in a Systems Integrator to assist with software development, implementation, debugging and support of a project you are looking to begin, selecting the appropriate company can be a daunting task. For that reason, I have decided to discuss what I consider to be …

6 Qualities to Consider when Selecting an Industrial Automation Systems Integrator, Part I Read More »

Malware on your Mobile Device: 5 Tips to Protect Yourself

Twenty years ago, many people did not have regular access to a computer and very few owned a mobile device, such as the first smartphone that was invented by IBM in 1992. A decade later, in 2002, the BlackBerry debuted and hit the ground running. Today, it seems that desktop computers are on the way …

Malware on your Mobile Device: 5 Tips to Protect Yourself Read More »
