Honoring the Fallen this Memorial Day

During picnics and parties this Memorial Day weekend, we encourage you to take a minute and remember the Americans who have given their lives in military service for our freedom. Without them, we wouldn’t have the life we each have today.  Retired CEO, RAD DeRose, would like to share his Father’s memorial day story: Bob DeRose …

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Save on the 4910LR with Instant Rebates

It’s that time of year again! Yes, it’s spring…Yes, the weather is getting nicer… Yes, I’m excited for summer too. But that’s not what I’m talking about in this case. All of us on L-Tron’s Edu-Tech team get excited this time of year because we love running our 4910LR Driver’s License Reader promotion – and it’s …

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Get your IT Agility in Balance

“Fast, cheap, or easy—pick two” This saying has been around for awhile now, but when it comes to technology these days, you may not necessarily have to pick only two. Can you “have it all” now with the improvements in technology? To remain competitive, you need both the ability to envision what’s coming and to respond …

Get your IT Agility in Balance Read More »

Honeywell Granit 1980i

Barcode Scanners from High Density to Extended Range

When I started working here, I had no idea about the different scanning ranges offered on various barcode scanners and why different options were required. My assumption brought me to believe that the scanner or imager would simply work at any close range and scanning items at a distance was simply not in the cards. …

Barcode Scanners from High Density to Extended Range Read More »

sales and marketing collaboration

How do you get Marketing and Sales to speak the same language?

Marketing people and sales people are like cats and dogs. By nature, they’re not expected to get along. Marketers see their selling counterparts as people who don’t understand the importance of messaging and focus solely on closing a deal at any cost. Sales professionals see marketers as “creative types” who don’t understand how hard it …

How do you get Marketing and Sales to speak the same language? Read More »

police technology

Money Doesn’t Grow on Trees – Especially at Police Headquarters

Our team has worked closely with Law Enforcement agencies for almost two decades now. We’ve met some amazing men and women along our journey and heard some incredible stories. As the years have come and gone, there are two things we’ve noticed that have remained consistent in the Law Enforcement community: Police Officers are highly …

Money Doesn’t Grow on Trees – Especially at Police Headquarters Read More »

Money on the move: The future of mobile payments

Cash is becoming obsolete. It’s cumbersome.  And when you can pay for something as small as a pack of gum by waving your phone or card at a machine, why bother weighing yourself down with something as “old-news” as dollar bills and coins? Consumers are in a never-ending search for the next cool thing that …

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C2C Communication: Connecting CIO’s to Other C-Levels

Why is IT tucked away from the rest of the corporate space? They slip in when someone needs help and then just as quickly retreat to their corner—the farthest corner—of the enterprise. The Harvard Business Review published research that suggests CIOs (Chief Information Officers) are under-valued by other executives. Almost half of the executives surveyed …

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Why the 4910LR is an Officer’s Ticket to Success

In a few weeks, my family will be taking a road trip from New York State to South Carolina. With 3 kids under the age of 6, you may be thinking that my husband and I are crazy…and I’d have to agree. But we’re hoping that once we reach sunny skies and warm weather, we’ll …

Why the 4910LR is an Officer’s Ticket to Success Read More »

Meeting Mastery—Tips When You’re the Only Woman in the Room

Many industries are still male-dominated, especially in the technology field. You might be the only woman in the room during a meeting, conference, or event and, yes, this minority position can be awkward if you allow it to be. I prefer to look at this situation as an opportunity to shine—for my own benefit and that …

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