Gayle adjusts to working remotely

COVID19: What is the new normal? How did the L-Tron team adjust to working remotely?

Across the country, life has changed in almost every way. Traffic jams are a thing of the past, a simple trip to the grocery store is a major outing, and people aren’t going within 6 feet of one another unless absolutely necessary. Here in New York State, and more specifically at L-Tron, we have had to adjust to working remotely for over 8 weeks. Here’s a glimpse into our “new normal.”

LTC Operations Team - COVID-19 Efforts

Rochester SMB makes Sizable Contribution to COVID-19 Efforts Behind the Scenes

While big businesses and major corporations have received attention for COVID-19 efforts and the economic impacts of the pandemic, small/medium businesses (SMBs) are quietly proving to be integral behind the scenes. One local SMB, L-Tron, discusses the balancing act of delivering quality and service excellence, supporting critical healthcare and law enforcement efforts, and exceeding recommended safety practices for its internal team members, as an essential NYS business.

optimize your warehouse shipping times

Warehouse Challenges, Part VI: How to Optimize your Warehouse Shipping Times

It wasn’t that long ago when we had to order products weeks ahead of time. Many of us remember browsing through catalogs, circling items of interest and filling out order forms. We wouldn’t see the actual goods until weeks later when they finally arrived on our front steps. Today, order fulfillment time has been reduced to days – and in some cases, hours. So, how can you better optimize your warehouse shipping times?

smart warehouse image

Warehousing Challenges, Part V: Beyond a Smart Warehouse

In Part 4 of our Warehousing Challenges series, we identified the first 9 out of 16 areas in the warehouse to achieve accuracy, efficiency and optimal performance by gaining operational visibility. Today’s list incorporates cutting-edge “smart warehouse” technology beyond the four warehouse walls.

Warehouse Challenges - Smart Warehouse Solutions

Warehousing Challenges, Part IV: Smart Warehouse Solutions

We all want accuracy, efficiency and operational excellence in our warehouse. A smarter warehouse with real-time visibility is the way to get there. We have identified 16 areas, both in and around the warehouse, to apply automation for first-rate results. This blog will focus on the first 9, with Warehouse Challenges Part 5 focusing on the remaining solutions.
