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Celebrating One Year of the 4910LR

L-Tron’s exclusive 4910LR just turned one year old this month, and it’s been a great year! Year over year, unit sales have increased over 40% from its 4810LR predecessor and we’ve added new agencies in at least five states where we previously had none. The 4910LR is the third generation in L-Tron’s License Reader series …

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Why Does the 4910LR Have a 3310g Sticker On It?

If I had a nickel for every time I’ve heard this question… Since we introduced our 4910LR Barcode Scanner  to the Law Enforcement community back in April of 2013, I’ve fielded the following question enough times where I feel it might be easier if I put my answer in writing. So here’s the burning question: …

Why Does the 4910LR Have a 3310g Sticker On It? Read More »

Link-OS Virtual Devices: Your Legacy Made Easier

There comes a time when it is necessary to start replacing legacy printers. It may be that time has passed them by, they’ve become outdated, broken down, or you are growing as a company. As much as it may be necessary, however, it stills remains a significant project with complex moving pieces and questions to …

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The “WE” Suite: A Team Approach to Customer Service Excellence

Your company has great values… Your company core values focus on exceptional service and delivery… Your company has great processes in place… You train & train & train some more…   Sounds like exceptional service and delivery should be pretty easy to implement, execute and deliver right? Speaking from experience, it’s not so easy!   …

The “WE” Suite: A Team Approach to Customer Service Excellence Read More »

Scanning Barcodes to Save $$$

Scanning barcodes isn’t always about accuracy since it’s a basic given that you’ll have accuracy when you choose to utilize this type of solution with your application. Anyone who has used barcode scanning technology knows that it is highly dependable and precise. So, if it’s not always about accuracy, what other factor looms largely in …

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A Year Later, The 4910LR is Still on Top

April marks the 1-year anniversary of our prized 4910LR License Reader. This device has done wonders for Law Enforcement Officials over the past year. Why’s that? When it comes to the specs, it’s unmatched by all scanners – the 4910LR is a game changer. We’ll spare you the lengthy data sheet and point out the …

A Year Later, The 4910LR is Still on Top Read More »

What’s Cool about Dual-Core Technology? Multi-Core Technology Simplified!

Have you ever tried to think about two things at exactly the same time? Try it. Try to think about the letter T while also thinking about the letter M at the same time. Despite what many people may say, you can’t actually do it. We as humans can’t think about two different things at …

What’s Cool about Dual-Core Technology? Multi-Core Technology Simplified! Read More »

ISA is to PCI as PCI is to PCIe slots

There’s a misconception going around that PCI slots don’t travel in the same circles as PCIe slots do. In some instances, this is true. But not when it comes to most industrial motherboards and single board computers. PCI and PCIe slots are essentially a “bus” or the channel by which different devices would exchange data …

ISA is to PCI as PCI is to PCIe slots Read More »

Turn Your College Package Tracking Fantasies Into Reality

If you work in the mail room at a college campus, chances are you’ve had some less-than-pleasurable experiences. For example, have you ever received phone calls from frustrated parents or irritated students asking why they haven’t received the package that UPS says was “delivered” and your only response was to tell them that you’ll look …

Turn Your College Package Tracking Fantasies Into Reality Read More »
