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cyber security

Cyberthreats 2016: How can you protect your business?

The average cost of a data breach was $3.8 million in 2015. This is a 23% rise in just two years, according to an IBM report—$154 per record. Healthcare pays a higher price, estimated at $363 per record, because the data in a medical record is more extensive than that associated with a credit card. …

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big data and the 2016 presidential campaigns

How is big data driving the 2016 presidential campaigns?

Who’s mining the polls? If you doubt that Big Brother is watching, open your eyes wider. Big data is getting bigger. Thanks to the proliferation of mobile devices and apps, there is more accessible personal information about you than ever—from your browsing preferences to your location at any given time. Retailers know when you’re close …

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5 Essential Elements that Make a PC Industrial

During my time at L-Tron Corporation, my passion has revealed itself in the work I do with customers in the Industrial Automation & Data Acquisition arenas. I truly love what I do and feel it’s necessary that I not only provide products, solutions and services that exceed the customer’s expectations but also that I share my …

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Augmented Reality in Business

Two years ago, Gartner reported that augmented reality was on the verge of becoming a technology with valuable potential for the business world. I remember thinking, “Hmmm… Maybe I’d better take a look.” If you’re wondering what exactly “augmented reality” is, Gartner’s principal research analyst, Tuong Huy Nguyen, explained in the article that, “Augmented reality …

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Academy Award

And the 2016 Oscar Winner is…. Can big data tell us first?

Can Big Data predict Oscar Winners?  Oscar Sunday takes place on February 28th. At the end of the night, a few dozen people will walk away as winners, while more than a hundred will smile and say, “It was just an honor to be nominated.” But while you might be thinking that the Academy Awards …

And the 2016 Oscar Winner is…. Can big data tell us first? Read More »

Why we’re moving to ISO 9001 and why I’m so excited!

ISO 9001 is a set of worldwide standards for managing quality control, established by the International Organization for Standardization. Since 1946, the standards have been developed, reviewed, and updated as needed, by experts in their respective areas, from around the world. ISO 9001 is specifically for Quality Management. Other popular standards include: ISO 14000 Environmental …

Why we’re moving to ISO 9001 and why I’m so excited! Read More »

Child Protective Services: Paperwork Burdens are a Reality

  HHS and CPS caseworkers need relief from paperwork.   Every job requires paperwork, but professionals who work for Health and Human Services (HHS) and Child and Protective Services (CPS) spend too much of their time completing and filing forms and reports. It is extremely difficult to find the time to work with the children and …

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5 Reasons Industrial PCs Make ‘Cents’ for IT

Most IT Professionals that I speak with me tell me that “white box,” Intel, Dell, HP or Asus PCs work just fine for them. They will just replace them as they break and the price justifies keeping enough stock on the shelf to do so. While this has been the standard, I have noticed a …

5 Reasons Industrial PCs Make ‘Cents’ for IT Read More »

Key AIDC Terms

Starting the New Year with Efficient Operations Processes

If you were to step onto the floor of an auto manufacturing plant, you would be surrounded by technology. Today’s auto makers take advantage of the latest industrial PC and AIDC technology, including: Fixed or Handheld Barcode Scanners Mobile Computers Vision Systems I/O (Input/Output) DPM (Direct Part Marking) Test & Measurement 3D Glasses Introduced into …

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