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AR in retail

Tech-Savvy Shoppers Drive the Retail Technology Trends for 2017

Millennials represent the largest population of consumers in the United States right now. They are also addicted to their technology, so they utilize it in every way possible. As consummate shoppers, they’re strong influencers of retail trends—not just the products on the market, but the way they make purchases. These tech-savvy shoppers are driving the …

Tech-Savvy Shoppers Drive the Retail Technology Trends for 2017 Read More »

IIoT: You Need More “I’s” on the Plant Floor

  The Internet of Things (IoT) sparked excitement as the next great thing in technology. Learn more about IoT here. Using sensors embedded in everything from home appliances to clothing, consumers are jazzed about what smart technology can do: changing the temperature in your home when you’re away checking your heart rate and letting you …

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Get Lean with 2D Data Matrix Barcodes, Part 3

Thanks for stopping back in to read the 3rd part of this series on “Getting LEAN” with Data Matrix Barcodes in the manufacturing industry. If you missed the first two parts, you can read them here: Part 1  Part 2  Application Versatility Whether it be the assembly lines, final assembly lines, test and measurement locations, …

Get Lean with 2D Data Matrix Barcodes, Part 3 Read More »

barcode scanning in manufacturing

Get Lean with 2D Data Matrix Barcodes, Part 2

Welcome back to my series on how to Get LEAN by implementing 2D Matrix Barcodes in your manufacturing facility. In my last blog, I shared how the physical features of a 2D Data Matrix barcode that has been applied via Direct Part Mark (DPM) have been beneficial to manufacturers of Print Circuit Boards (PCBs) and …

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Get Lean with 2D Data Matrix Barcodes, Part 1

As manufacturing continues to evolve, so do the requirements of their end users. Quality, price and lead time have never meant more to the manufacturing industry, so looking for ways to improve these criteria without sacrificing one for the other has become a necessity. In the manufacturing world, this concept is known as getting “lean”. …

Get Lean with 2D Data Matrix Barcodes, Part 1 Read More »

group brainstorming

7 Tips for Successful Brainstorming Sessions

Two heads are better than one, right? So, it just makes sense that when you need to create fresh ideas and solutions, you gather your team and for a brainstorming session. In theory, group brainstorming should open up the flood gates on ideas. But sometimes it can be a barrier. Prevent a pressure cooker. Picture …

7 Tips for Successful Brainstorming Sessions Read More »

AR & VR Offer Businesses a New Perspective

Mobile technology revolutionized our culture. The unbridled freedom of access to everything we need, from anywhere we are. Now, we have virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) technology. Once just a futuristic vision, “someday” has arrived. And businesses have the exciting opportunity to get a different perspective on their possibilities and choices. With VR, …

AR & VR Offer Businesses a New Perspective Read More »

How to Fix 5 Common Human Errors that Lead to Security Threats

Human error is involved in 95% of security breaches. A seemingly simple mistake can lead to a major disaster. The 2015 Cost of Data Breach Study reported that human error was responsible for 25% of the data breaches that occurred in the US, resulting in an average mitigation cost of $198 per capita, and an …

How to Fix 5 Common Human Errors that Lead to Security Threats Read More »
