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reach your dreams

You’re never too old to think big.

(A 2 minute read) Anna Mary Robertson Moses was 78 years old when she pursued her passion for painting. Her first works were purchased for $3. The widowed farmer continued to paint, under her nickname “Grandma Moses”. In 2006, one of her paintings sold for $1.2 million. J.R.R. Tolkien published the first of his series, …

You’re never too old to think big. Read More »

Hotel WiFi access

Travelers Expect More Technology from the Hospitality Industry

(A 2 minute read…) Travelers are hitting the road and surrounding themselves with smartphones, tablets, laptops, electronic readers, smartwatches, etc. You see, Generation-Y and Generation-Z members grew up surrounded by technology. Some even say their cell phones act as a “third limb” and they cannot live without technology. Many of these now adult travelers were …

Travelers Expect More Technology from the Hospitality Industry Read More »

smart printer

4 Reasons Smart Printers Are a Smart Investment

(A 3 minute read) Smart technology has revolutionized everything from home to the enterprise. Smart appliances know what we need from the grocery store and our preferred indoor air temperature. Smart sensors in the workplace provide alerts that equipment might need maintenance, locate missing assets, and increase operational efficiency to a level that wasn’t possible before. …

4 Reasons Smart Printers Are a Smart Investment Read More »

7 High Tech Golf Gadgets: Link Up With the Latest Game-Changers

(A 2 minute read) We have apps and gadgets that record our heart rate when we’re walking up the stairs, that tell us when the kids are home, and remind us to buy milk on the way home from work. So, why not expect that our favorite pastimes have also been amended or advanced by …

7 High Tech Golf Gadgets: Link Up With the Latest Game-Changers Read More »

unplug with your kids

Unplug With Your Kids This Summer: 6 Tech-Free Activities

(A 3 minute read) Remember the days before smartphones and tablets? Before smart TV, and when “streaming” was something you did in a boat? Think back to when you called home to say you’d be late instead of texting. There are so many advantages that technology provides. Every aspect of our lives—home, school, work, play—has …

Unplug With Your Kids This Summer: 6 Tech-Free Activities Read More »

millennials in the workforce

How to Retain Millennials in Your Workforce

(A 3 minute read…) Millennials are a unique demographic. The people born between 1981 and 2000 number 83.1 million Americans, eclipsing the 75.4 million Baby Boomers who have dominated consumerism since they became adults. According to Pew Research, America’s workforce is now comprised of: 53.5 million Millennials 52.7 GenXers and 44.6 million Baby Boomers With …

How to Retain Millennials in Your Workforce Read More »

disney castle

Disney’s latest guest experience technology: Immersion or invasion?

(A 3 minute read…) Three years ago, Disney World in Orlando not only welcomed visitors to be their guest, but also began presenting them with a new way to enjoy the experience. The Magic Band Disney introduced the Magic Band, a waterproof, electronic wristband enables the park’s guests to wander through every area of every …

Disney’s latest guest experience technology: Immersion or invasion? Read More »

How do Systems Engineers Ensure Theme Park Ride Safety?

(A 3 minute read…) Every year, America’s 400 theme parks welcome approximately 335 million visitors and water parks attract about 85 million people, according to the International Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions (IAAPA). An average of 4,423 children are treated in emergency rooms each year for amusement-related injuries, according to a 20-year study conducted …

How do Systems Engineers Ensure Theme Park Ride Safety? Read More »

food safety

Technology Serves up Improved Food Safety for the Hospitality Industry

(A 3 minute read…) When you go out to eat, what’s on your plate might not be exactly what you ordered. According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), 65% of food borne outbreaks and 44% of outbreak-associated illnesses in the U.S. were traced back to a restaurant. The FDA’s food service regulations vary by …

Technology Serves up Improved Food Safety for the Hospitality Industry Read More »
