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Inside L-Tron

L-Tron is ISO:9001:2015 Certified 

What does this mean for you and future L-Tron clients? L-Tron has been an ISO 9001:2015 Certified Company since 2018  In 2018, L-Tron first pursued the rigorous year-long process of earning ISO 9001:2015 Certification and we have maintained our certification status ever since. The process involves intensive auditing, during which L-Tron continues to demonstrate the …

L-Tron is ISO:9001:2015 Certified  Read More »


New Kid on the Block, Part 3

Written by Hank Kula When friends ask what I do at L-Tron, I answer honestly, “I don’t know.”  As I mentioned in part 2, company roles are continually evolving, and you can read about my Law Enforcement background, prior to L-Tron, in Part 1. Summarily, I write “content” in connection with our crime scene / …

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welcome to l-tron

New Kid on the Block, Part 2

Written by Hank Kula When I walked into L-Tron on my first day, I was greeted by CEO RAD DeRose. Talk about cool names.  He was RAD.  (Sorry.) RAD had a new laptop for me.  Score.  The laptop is touch screen.  Double score.  With the laptop came VPN.  Heard of it. Knew what it was. …

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New Kid on the Block, Part 1

Written by Hank Kula Fifty-six.  Looking for a job.  At an interview I was asked, “So, what do you want to be when you grow up?” Normal, right? Normal for L-Tron Corporation. After twenty-six years a cop, 2017 was prime time to retire.  Colleagues’ not-so-subtle hints about how I stayed too long turned into, “So …

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Badge of Honor Association

The Best Gift You Can Give: Helping the Families of Fallen Police Officers

Helping those who dedicate their lives to helping us.   No matter what the situation, the loss of a parent is a life-altering event made even more difficult around the holidays. When your parent is an Officer lost in the line of duty, you know that they sacrificed their life to keep others safe but …

The Best Gift You Can Give: Helping the Families of Fallen Police Officers Read More »

PSP Reconstruction Seminar

What it was like to Capture Crashes with OSCR360 at the PSP Reconstruction Seminar

Last month, I had the opportunity to travel with OSCR360 to Gettysburg, PA for the 2017 Pennsylvania State Police (PSP) Reconstruction Seminar. . The PSP Reconstruction Seminar attracted over 350 attendees and was free to active Law Enforcement reconstructionists. I had a great time at the conference with my co-workers Alex and Chuck, a retired sergeant …

What it was like to Capture Crashes with OSCR360 at the PSP Reconstruction Seminar Read More »

PSP Crash

Key Components of a Comprehensive Crash Investigation

There are several key components of a comprehensive crash investigation. The first officer to arrive at a crash typically finds it chaotic at best. As in any situation, the officer’s first priority is the preservation of life.  Second is the preservation of the scene and any possible evidence. Once the scene is secured and victims …

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facial recognition technology

Facial Recognition Technology

Every time Apple CEO Tim Cook takes the stage to announce a newest innovation from Apple, it almost feels like the entire world stops to listen. His most recent announcement of the next wave of iPhones created the type of ripple that has come to be expected — but the most discussed feature was one …

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millennial hires

Millennial Hires in the Workplace

  According to the most recent U.S. Census, Millennials now outnumber Baby Boomers 83.1 million to 75.4 million. In 2015, the burgeoning masses of Millennials made up 34% of the workforce and estimates show that number will rise to 46% by 2020. With the majority of Millennials now entering their mid-20s and preparing to enter …

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Meet Our Peeps: Alex

Meet Our Peeps: Alex Welcome back to my “Meet Our Peeps” blog series, a place where you can meet all the awesome people behind the scenes here at L-Tron! If you haven’t had a chance to “meet” Julianne, you can do so here. So, today you get to learn about Alex, our L-Tron newbie! Keep …

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