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Spherical Images

It’s All About Perspective, Part 2 – Spherical Images

  Spherical 360-degree photography is revolutionizing crime scene evidence capture and courtroom presentation. In addition to capturing the crime scene with minimal disturbance and catering to today’s demands for hi-tech courtrooms, as discussed in “It’s all about Perspective Part One: Courtroom Perspective,” 360-degree spherical images have several outstanding applications.   A Virtual Reality Tool Spherical photography …

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Courtroom Perspective

It’s All About Perspective Part 1 – Courtroom Perspective

Perspective /pər’ spektiv/ n. a particular attitude toward or way of regarding something; a point of view. It’s All About Courtroom Perspective In the courtroom, it is the attorney’s job to influence the attitudes of the jury, and deliver a conviction by presenting solid evidence. Traditionally, courtroom perspective has been influenced by verbal testimony, still …

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Blue Light

Share your Blue for Trooper Clark

“Big things come in small packages.” Idiom or cliché.  Lesson or quip.  Difficult as it was to grasp as a child, it now makes complete sense. Same for small gestures.  They mean big things.   The Police Benevolent Association of the New York State Troopers is asking New Yorkers to “Go Blue” tomorrow by displaying …

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Policeman's Ball 2018

Backing the Blue…Both In and Out of the Office

We’ve been doing business with law enforcement for 17+ years, and our relationship with law enforcement started out as just that – business. But times change. As we got to know some of our law enforcement clients and really took the time to listen, our relationship with many municipalities began to change. We’ve developed close …

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Meet the L-Tron Marketing Team

The Evolution of the L-Tron Marketing Team

“…and the winner of the 2018 Pinnacle Marketing Awards goes to…. L-Tron Corporation!” How did L-Tron Corporation, a data collection and industrial automation company – NOT a marketing firm, manage to win a prestigious marketing award from the American Marketing Academy (AMA)? It all started about 8 years ago.. RAD DeRose, L-Tron’s President and CEO, …

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facebook protection

3 Ways You Can Better Protect Your Facebook Data, Part 2

  Last week, we introduced the hot topic of Facebook privacy and discussed some simple ways that you can adjust your privacy settings to protect your privacy. You can read Part I here. Today, we will continue this discussion, beginning with Facebook Ads. You have more control than you might think! Tactic 3: Adjust your …

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facebook protection

3 Ways You Can Better Protect Your Facebook Data, Part 1

  In lieu of the Facebook and Cambridge Analytica ordeal, Facebook users have been more concerned about their privacy and who is able to view their data. To recap, Cambridge Analytica gained access to the private data of millions of Facebook users. The firm then created tools which identified voter personalities in order to potentially …

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receiving and Sortation in warehouse

The Warehouse That Works (for you); Part II

Up your Game: Easy, Manageable Steps to get More out of your Warehouse Operation Simple process improvements through automation deliver results As promised in Part I, automating receiving is a smart, effective and easy way to begin automating your warehouse. Benefits of automation accrue across the entire warehouse and operation. Automation = Accurate Receive, Sort …

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