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wireless gateway router

What Kind of Router is in my Patrol Car?

Unless you’re an IT professional, chances are you don’t pay a whole lot of attention to the specific technology you use on the regular. I know that I’ve never given much thought to the router currently keeping me connected or even the very laptop I am typing this article on. What about when it comes to the technology keeping your patrol vehicle equipment running?

On Scene with OSCR360: Desktop Software Assists in a Homicide Investigation

The investigations division of a Florida Sheriff’s Department is just one of the many agencies who recognized the benefits of the OSCR360 desktop software right from the start. While demoing OSCR360, one detective mentioned to me that they were working on a particularly controversial case involving multiple murders, circumstantial evidence, and more. The department was in the process of putting together a case overview – read how OSCR helped

patrol vehicle equipment

What is FirstNet™?

Learn more about the nationwide communications network built specifically for public safety and emergency responders. Following 9/11, the lack of connectivity & clear communication among first responders – especially during a large-scale emergency – became abundantly clear.

What is a Magstripe Reader? Is your state beginning to transition away from them?

What is a Magstripe Reader? Is your state beginning to transition away from them? All good things must come to an end. For several decades, magnetic stripes could be found on customer loyalty cards, student ID cards, driver’s licenses, employee ID’s and credit cards. In fact, there was such a huge push for mag stripes …

What is a Magstripe Reader? Is your state beginning to transition away from them? Read More »

Bettendorf Police department IA

How is the Bettendorf Police Department Utilizing OSCR360?

Sergeant Andrew Champion of the Bettendorf Police Department reached out to L-Tron in March of 2019 – he was originally looking for a tool that could help him open roads up faster after crashes. After meeting OSCR, he realized the system could be used for so much more. How is the department utilizing OSCR360 now?
