A scanner capable of reading driver’s licenses helps election officials in the state of Utah to quickly and accurately find voters on the electronic poll books.

Bar Code Scanning Solution Speeds Up Voter Verification and Reduces Input Errors
L-Tron Corporation, headquartered in Pittsford, New York, worked with the State of Utah to implement a scanning solution for elections officials.  Voter’s driver’s licenses are scanned at the polling place so workers can quickly and accurately find corresponding voter records in the electronic polling book.  According to Ray Palmer, of the Utah Governor’s office of Planning and Budget, adding scanning technology to the voting process is easier because the driver’s license is the primary way voters identify themselves to poll workers and scanning it is simple and fast.  “Combining polling places and using automated processes has the potential of reducing overall costs of conducting elections,” said Palmer.  “One of the things we have done to make this possible is to use 2D scanners to scan the voter’s information from the driver’s license 2D bar code.  This reduces errors and we have found that poll workers and voters liked it.
Palmer added, “The implementation of this was quite simple and working with L-Tron has been great.  They have made every effort to help us as we have gone through this process.”
The scanning solution involved the customization and programming of the scanners to support the input of driver’s license information into the electronic polling book application.
“Every time we’ve implemented a scanning solution for election officials, we’ve seen just how it lowers errors and speeds up voter verifications,” said RAD DeRose, CEO of L-Tron Corporation.  “Our clients are telling us it has made quite a difference in how they operate their polling areas.”
L-Tron provides solutions for state governments, including law enforcement.  For more information on driver’s license reader solutions, please contact L-Tron as 800.830.9523 or www.L-Tron.com.
