Data Collection System 7 — The Right Equipment For The Job

Can I get a show of hands?  How many of you have dropped your phones in the parking lot, down the steps, in the toilet, etc?  Your whole life is on your phone: contact list, appointments, photos, and more.  In many cases, your phone may also contain business informaion, such as customer and order information, which affects …

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Pride at L-Tron during Customer Service Week

I wanted to take this opportunity to spotlight the L-Tron Operations team.  The team has continually demonstrated outstanding efforts in supporting the company’s core beliefs when servicing our customers. Having been in sales and marketing for the majority of my career, I am well aware of the importance of creating a environment within a company that places …

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We Need To Talk…Managing a Data Collection Project

Come on, admit it.  You thought this was a topic on relationships and getting in touch with your feelings, didn’t you?  Well, in a sense, it is–at least, the former, anyway. Ok, we all really, really fear hearing those words from our significant others.  We are in cruise mode thinking everything is fine.  Then, out …

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Using Bar Codes To Save Lives!

So, if you have followed any of my previous blogs, you will see I have written about how some of my recent medical issues relate to using bar codes.  Medical errors are widely acknowledged as a major threat to patient safety.  Having been privy to the interworkings of how my local hospital kept track of patient meds, tests …

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