Bulk Up Your Company’s Offensive Line with Data Collection Equipment

Can you believe how quickly the year’s end is approaching?  When you take a look at your budget, you see that your money is tight, but you’ve kept a good handle on things.  However, you also notice that you are limping along in regards to your: (a) current software system, (b) current data collection equipment, (c) antiquated processes and …

Bulk Up Your Company’s Offensive Line with Data Collection Equipment Read More »

Finishing Touches–Making Integrated Software Solutions User-Friendly

Well, this is the last in a series of analogies between my kitchen project and IT.  It has been a stretch at times, both figuratively and labor-wise, but I can see the light. I am so close to completing the kitchen; I just have to grout the backsplash and install the handles.  I am physically …

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DIY or Swallow your Pride…Efficient Workflow Processes

OK, I’ll be the first to admit that I am a hard head when it comes to letting others do the work that I can do.  Maybe it’s an ego thing, male thing, who knows, but why pay someone if you can do the work yourself?  Am I right?  When it comes to establishing organized …

DIY or Swallow your Pride…Efficient Workflow Processes Read More »

Automation Software Installation Prep Work

Any type of large IT system project can be daunting and there is always a ton of prep work to be done beforehand.  Take automation software projects, for instance.  You need to factor in many different considerations before beginning your project.  The same goes for home renovation projects.  And, the prep work is not only up front.  …

Automation Software Installation Prep Work Read More »

Why Should Your Business Capture Signatures Electronically?

So what is the big deal about having your business adopt electronic signature capture technology?  Well, have you ever heard of “doing more with less?”  Then I invite you to continue reading…. All businesses, whether it is a medical facility, financial institution, tax preparation firm, or grocery store, or even those employees who work in …

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