Need an I/O Intensive Industrial Flat Panel Monitor? You got it!

Most industrial monitors, touch panel computers and panel PCs do include some mixture of I/O. In a lot of applications, the I/O required is more extensive than what most monitors can provide. A hardware solution I have found valuable to many customers over the years is a fully configured UNO Embedded Automation PC combined with …

Need an I/O Intensive Industrial Flat Panel Monitor? You got it! Read More »

Five Things to Consider When Upgrading Your Industrial PC in a Pinch

A lot of us have been there before. You have application critical software that must successfully operate 24/7 and the Industrial PC running it has just died. You troubleshoot the power supply, CPU, RAM, Motherboard, Single Board Computer (SBC), Passive Backplane, Hard Drive and cabling to see where the failure has occurred. If you do …

Five Things to Consider When Upgrading Your Industrial PC in a Pinch Read More »

Widescreen Industrial HMI is More Than a New Fad

New technology sure knows how to get people’s attention. Think of those long lines of shoppers camping out the night before the release of a new product and I think you’ll agree. Or the buzz all over social media during the weeks before a highly-anticipated new device is unveiled. Or the countless number of people …

Widescreen Industrial HMI is More Than a New Fad Read More »

How to Choose the Correct HMI for your Application

As with any big purchase, it is often difficult to choose the “best” option. I sometimes drive myself crazy researching my options and trying to determine how to get the most bang for my buck. Well, as many of my clients have shared with me, there are times when it isn’t easy to select the …

How to Choose the Correct HMI for your Application Read More »

Your Industrial PC Checklist: How to Order Everything You Need!

Most customers that order Industrial PCs have one hope; that it is delivered fully configured and operational. What they don’t know is that there are so many different configurations available, they must be very specific regarding the exact configuration they require. I decided to make a list of what should be accounted for when ordering …

Your Industrial PC Checklist: How to Order Everything You Need! Read More »

Scanning Barcodes to Save $$$

Scanning barcodes isn’t always about accuracy since it’s a basic given that you’ll have accuracy when you choose to utilize this type of solution with your application. Anyone who has used barcode scanning technology knows that it is highly dependable and precise. So, if it’s not always about accuracy, what other factor looms largely in …

Scanning Barcodes to Save $$$ Read More »

ISA is to PCI as PCI is to PCIe slots

There’s a misconception going around that PCI slots don’t travel in the same circles as PCIe slots do. In some instances, this is true. But not when it comes to most industrial motherboards and single board computers. PCI and PCIe slots are essentially a “bus” or the channel by which different devices would exchange data …

ISA is to PCI as PCI is to PCIe slots Read More »

Down Goes XP! Down Goes XP! Windows 7 is Here to Stay!

Well, it’s not nearly as exciting as the Foreman/Frazier fight of 1973 but it’s as important; if not more. Like Frazier, Microsoft Windows XP Pro support is getting knocked out on April 8, 2014.  How will this play out? No new security updates No non-security hot fixes No free or paid assisted support options No …

Down Goes XP! Down Goes XP! Windows 7 is Here to Stay! Read More »

Give Thanks: SCADA Made Easy!

With Thanksgiving quickly approaching, I’m sure that many of you are thinking about things in our lives to be thankful for, and today I have one more thing to add to your list. This post is for those of you who have struggled with developing SCADA HMI applications. Here is some help for you! Although it’s not quite as simple as …

Give Thanks: SCADA Made Easy! Read More »
