Branching out with Mobile POS

Spring Landscaping: Don’t Let Long Checkout Lines Get You Down!

Spring has finally arrived! If you live in the Northeastern states like us L-Troner’s, then I’m sure you were probably starting to think it would never arrive. February was Rochester, NY’s coldest month…Ever. Can you believe that the average temperature was only 12.2 degrees? Brrr! But now that spring is here, my mind is on …

Spring Landscaping: Don’t Let Long Checkout Lines Get You Down! Read More »

Malware on your Mobile Device: 5 Tips to Protect Yourself

Twenty years ago, many people did not have regular access to a computer and very few owned a mobile device, such as the first smartphone that was invented by IBM in 1992. A decade later, in 2002, the BlackBerry debuted and hit the ground running. Today, it seems that desktop computers are on the way …

Malware on your Mobile Device: 5 Tips to Protect Yourself Read More »

Law Enforcement Technology: A Holistic Approach

In many professions, law enforcement included, generic technology just doesn’t have what it takes to get the job done. We know the law enforcement technology is out there – but sometimes it takes more than just a simple piece of hardware to get things up and running. Unfortunately, many types of businesses and organizations have …

Law Enforcement Technology: A Holistic Approach Read More »

Officer Roadside Safety: Automation & eCitation

There is no doubt that law enforcement is a dangerous profession. Just since the beginning of 2015, there have been 14 LODDs (line-of-duty-deaths) in the United States, and prior to that there were 121 LODDs in 2014. This number continues to rise year over year. While many of these LODDs involved gunfire, it is certainly …

Officer Roadside Safety: Automation & eCitation Read More »

Super Screens, Super Sensors: Super Bowl Technology at XLIX

While we were sad to see our 2014 Fantasy Football season come to an end, the football fans here at L-Tron have turned our attention to Super Bowl XLIX this weekend! Whether you are cheering for the Seattle Seahawks, rooting on the New England Patriots, or just watching to see the commercials, it’s sure to …

Super Screens, Super Sensors: Super Bowl Technology at XLIX Read More »

“Oh Come, All Ye Tablets, Smartphones and Barcodes…”

For those of you who will be attending a religious service this coming Christmas Eve or Christmas morning, you may be surprised to see one particular newcomer in attendance at your place of worship…technology! Here are 5 forms of technology that may be making an appearance: Tablets Smartphones Data Projection Credit Cards and Barcodes Electronic …

“Oh Come, All Ye Tablets, Smartphones and Barcodes…” Read More »

Tis the Season: My Top 10 Barcode Gift Ideas

On Veteran’s Day, I decided to take advantage of some of the great online sales and get some of my Christmas shopping done early.  My mom requested gloves and earmuffs. Simple enough…or so I thought! When I searched for gloves and earmuffs, I found results such as: “Fingerless Texting Gloves with Mitten Cover,” “Touchscreen Gloves” …

Tis the Season: My Top 10 Barcode Gift Ideas Read More »

american flag

Barcode Technology to Honor Fallen Servicemen?

      This Memorial Day weekend, I was reading an article that included staggering statistics about Memorial Day.  Did you know that 1,196,793 Americans have died in active military service?  It is wonderful that we have an annual holiday to commemorate the sacrifices made by our military, but I wish there was a way …

Barcode Technology to Honor Fallen Servicemen? Read More »

Iowa Law Show 2013: Traffic Safety at Its Best

I’m always trying to convince my husband that we should take a vacation. My top destinations? Italy, Greece, Hawaii, France, the Caribbean…to name a few. How about Iowa? Well, it may or may not be on a “Top 5” list, but if you’re in the Law Enforcement or Traffic Safety professions, Iowa should definitely be …

Iowa Law Show 2013: Traffic Safety at Its Best Read More »

Handheld Computer Battery Chargers and Other Useful Accessories

Whether you are in the market for OR a current owner of a mobile/handheld computer, you may interested in exploring some of the types of accessories available to make your life easier.  Did you know that a handheld computer battery is easily rechargeable, even when you are on the road?  Did you know that you can …

Handheld Computer Battery Chargers and Other Useful Accessories Read More »
