smart printer

4 Reasons Smart Printers Are a Smart Investment

(A 3 minute read) Smart technology has revolutionized everything from home to the enterprise. Smart appliances know what we need from the grocery store and our preferred indoor air temperature. Smart sensors in the workplace provide alerts that equipment might need maintenance, locate missing assets, and increase operational efficiency to a level that wasn’t possible before. …

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7 High Tech Golf Gadgets: Link Up With the Latest Game-Changers

(A 2 minute read) We have apps and gadgets that record our heart rate when we’re walking up the stairs, that tell us when the kids are home, and remind us to buy milk on the way home from work. So, why not expect that our favorite pastimes have also been amended or advanced by …

7 High Tech Golf Gadgets: Link Up With the Latest Game-Changers Read More »

food safety

Technology Serves up Improved Food Safety for the Hospitality Industry

(A 3 minute read…) When you go out to eat, what’s on your plate might not be exactly what you ordered. According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), 65% of food borne outbreaks and 44% of outbreak-associated illnesses in the U.S. were traced back to a restaurant. The FDA’s food service regulations vary by …

Technology Serves up Improved Food Safety for the Hospitality Industry Read More »

IoT Security Risks: 4 Types of Cyber Attacks to be Aware Of

The Internet of Things (IoT) has exploded, with more embedded devices being adding every month. From fitness bands and smart appliances to remote patient monitoring devices and industrial equipment, the technology has not just captured the fascination of consumers and businesses, but hackers as well. IoT presents a new set of security risks that both …

IoT Security Risks: 4 Types of Cyber Attacks to be Aware Of Read More »

lean manufacturing

Lean Manufacturing: Work Leaner, Stay Safe

  Lean manufacturing objectives target efficiency in the workplace. Eliminating wasted movement and reducing downtime are two ways that manufacturers can improve their operational efficiency and productivity. Learn more about lean manufacturing in this infographic. But it doesn’t come at the expense of worker or work environment safety. In fact, lean manufacturing should enhance the …

Lean Manufacturing: Work Leaner, Stay Safe Read More »

IoT Security Risks: 4 Steps to Create a Cyber Risk Management Plan

  Welcome back to the second installment in our series on IoT security risks. In part 1, we discussed the security vulnerabilities associated with embedded devices that are connected to the Internet of Things (IoT). Today, we will explore the cyber risks that your organization may face and address some proactive steps that you can …

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IoT vulnerabilities

IoT Security Risks: The Vulnerabilities

  When it comes to IoT security risks, we know that there are many areas of potential vulnerabilities that we must be watchful of. We’ve become accustomed to data security threats, but the embedded devices on the Internet of Things (IoT) pose different challenges than those of the computers and mobile devices. Embedded device examples include: …

IoT Security Risks: The Vulnerabilities Read More »

jit vs lean manufacturing

JIT vs Lean Manufacturing: What’s the Difference

Lean manufacturing principles are implemented to improve quality and reduce waste. View an [Infographic]: What is Lean Manufacturing and how can it help you? Inventory represents one of the largest sources of waste in the manufacturing industry. Maintaining too much inventory—raw materials and finished products—absorbs excess cost in capital, inventory, and space. Inventory shortages lead …

JIT vs Lean Manufacturing: What’s the Difference Read More »

IoT for Manufacturing

4 Ways IoT Improves Manufacturing

  The Internet of Things (IoT) seems to expand daily. The devices that connect with the cloud are touching every aspect of our culture—from the smart home to medical devices to the manufacturing industry. With the need to streamline manufacturing processes to work as efficiently as possible, the IoT provides many avenues for working smarter …

4 Ways IoT Improves Manufacturing Read More »

IIoT: You Need More “I’s” on the Plant Floor

  The Internet of Things (IoT) sparked excitement as the next great thing in technology. Learn more about IoT here. Using sensors embedded in everything from home appliances to clothing, consumers are jazzed about what smart technology can do: changing the temperature in your home when you’re away checking your heart rate and letting you …

IIoT: You Need More “I’s” on the Plant Floor Read More »
