Taking into account industry trends toward bar coding of tax forms and paperless initiatives, L-Tron Corp. provides innovative technology for personal income tax preparers, leading to increased productivity, fewer errors, and improved workflow.

A Glimpse into 2012: Technology Improvements for the Tax Industry

Across the country, income tax preparers are breathing sighs of relief.  April 15th has come and gone.  For some, the past months of tax preparation have gone fairly smoothly, while others have experienced chaos.  Knowing that there is always room for improvement, L-Tron Corporation (http://www.L-Tron.com) has developed a state-of-the-art technology solution for the income tax industry, geared toward personal income tax preparers.  L-Tron’s solution takes into account industry trends toward bar coding of tax forms and paperless initiatives using electronic signatures, while providing innovative technology that leads to increased productivity, fewer errors, and improved workflow.
With over 30 years of experience, L-Tron understands that the tax industry faces many business challenges.  Traditional income tax reporting methods result in excessive paperwork tracking, while averaging as much as 5% human error.  Standard data input times range from 20 to 30 minutes for new clients.  These are significant gaps within an industry where accuracy and efficiencies are imperative and security is required.  When the SSA and IRS added barcoded versions of the W-2 and W-3 forms to the list of acceptable submission formats in late 2010, L-Tron recognized how critical developing a means of helping tax preparers improve their customer service and streamline processes within their businesses would be to the industry.
“L-Tron’s customers within the tax industry have shared that they consider the new IRS guidelines as a heads-up to make changes sooner than later,” explains L-Tron Senior Solutions Account Executive, Rich Riedman. “While at this point only W-2 forms have been addressed, there is a need to address additional forms, such as 1099s, which will have an even greater impact on the public at large.  L-Tron’s ability to provide a pleasant and efficient customer experience is key, while saving time with each interaction in a secure manner.”
The components of L-Tron’s tax solution (http://www.l-tron.com/Solutions/TaxSolutions.aspx) include a barcode scanner, which is programmed to support tax form scanning, as well as intelligent signature capture, which provides tax preparers with a secure way to input each client’s information into the correct tax form.  L-Tron’s solution provides greater accuracy, data integrity, time and paper savings for an industry driven by streamlined efficiencies, accuracy and governance.
