Over the last 10 years, the Fall salmon runs off of Lake Ontario have become a popular destination for many anglers. The number of anglers, along with the influx of business, makes the larger tributary towns the place to be from September through the end of October. Unfortunately, with increased fishing popularity, there are less spots on the run for individuals to fish. In some private fishing areas, season passes have been awarded and the flow of fishermen on particular runs is being monitored by barcodes.
One particular destination that has implemented a traceability solution for anglers is the Douglaston Salmon run (DSR). Barcodes have been implemented on all season and daily pass holder tags enabling the DSR to have an accurate count of fishermen on the premises. They all have strict guidelines about how many fishermen can be on the run at one time, which is aimed at improving the angler experience.
Here are a few ways that barcodes have improved fishing on the DSR:

  • A barcode has been implemented on laminated season passes. A barcode can also be found on all daily passes issued at the main facility. This enables the DSR staff to scan season and daily passes at the time of entrance or purchase, allowing them to monitor, via software, how many fishermen are on the run for the day.
  • Scanning the barcode of pass holders also enables the DSR staff to limit the amount of anglers on the run. Depending on the time of year, there are daily limits of anglers allowed, so this enables them to track the number of fishermen and cap it at the allowed daily quota.
  • Barcodes allow staff to track season pass holder activity on the run. This enables the DSR to determine when season pass holders might fish and set aside a predetermined amount of slots for those pass holders.
  • Barcodes will allow the DSR to use daily angler numbers during the current year to establish angler quotas for daily fishing the next year.
  • Barcodes will also allow the DSR to offer specials to certain fishermen depending on the amount they fish along with the time of season they utilize the run.

The DSR is a great example of how barcodes can trace, control and improve an experience. This is a solution that can be implemented for various applications and will enable the user to have timely information at their fingertips. If you have any questions about how barcodes, barcode scanners, barcode printers and custom software can improve your business, feel free to give me a call at 800-830-9523, ext. 126 or email me at jeremy.miller@l-tron.com.
