What is the Standard Response Protocol (SRP)?

Over a decade has passed since the Standard Response Protocol was developed to promote school safety. The SRP is designed to fit into a school district’s broader emergency preparedness plan. The Protocol focuses on the use of common language and directives to keep students, staff, emergency responders and community stakeholders on the same page during an incident.

Within the SRP are five key words, followed by specific directives, which alert the schoolwide community to the actions that should be taken.

These actions are: Hold, Secure, Lockdown, Evacuate, and Shelter.

The SRP Action: Secure is followed by the directive “Get inside. Lock outside doors.”

SRP Action: Secure. Closed doors to keep school students and faculty safe.

When the secure directive is issued, it indicates that there is a potential danger outside of the school building. The intention is to safeguard students within the confines of the locked school. All students and staff are to go inside, and the exterior doors of the school building are locked. There are typically few, if any, changes to the normal happenings within the school building during this type of temporary threat.

*It is important to note, however, that on some occasions, the secure directive may be combined with the hold directive, which would result in locking external doors, as well as clearing the hallways.

Examples of when the SRP Action: Secure directive might be used include:

  • A dangerous animal on school grounds.
  • Violence in a nearby neighborhood.
  • Law enforcement activity in the local area.

The locked school building keeps potential threats outside and students/staff safe inside, until the coast is clear.

OSCR360 aids in emergency planning and response

Schoolwide emergency plans are a necessity in today. OSCR360 takes emergency planning and response to a new level by adding a detailed visual component for users to refer to and learn from. Perhaps the most important benefit of OSCR360, however, is that it facilitates collaboration among members of the school community and local first responders. All OSCR360 emergency plans can be easily shared with stakeholders in the community, which might include law enforcement, fire departments, EMS agencies, 911 dispatchers and county emergency managers.

How does OSCR360 work?

The OSCR360 System includes a capture kit and desktop software. The capture kit documents all of the interior and exterior spaces on your campus, in 360-degrees. Within the software, districts can organize their spherical photos, label critical points of interest, mark various emergency plans and add notes, written documents and digital files.

Points of interest may include double locking doors, security cameras, windows with safety film, medical equipment and more. Symbols representing each point of interest may be changed and color-coded for organizational purposes and ease-of-use.

A complete school district emergency plan would include a virtual walkthrough of the school campus with labeled points of interest and any additional documentation the school wanted to include. Throughout the lifecycle of an emergency plan, OSCR360 can also be updated and changed as often as needed to reflect new construction, different furniture layouts or updated security features.


How does OSCR360 help plan for the “SRP Action: Secure” incident response?

OSCR360 allows districts to create detailed visual plans for each stage of incident response. Planning for a “Secure” response would include:

  • Identifying and labeling all exterior locking doors within OSCR360, as well as adding physical labels to the doors around the building.

  • Identifying and labeling all outdoor spaces (outdoor classrooms, playgrounds, pavilions, parking lots, bus loop, etc.). Refer to these spaces regularly, using the same language used to label the spaces in OSCR360 to promote clarity.

  • Identifying and labeling security cameras, so that during a live incident, administrators and security officers are able quickly locate exterior security camera footage to ensure that each area has been cleared.

L-Tron is here for you

Did you know that L-Tron’s Support Team is available to OSCR360 customers 24 hours a day, 7 days a week? If your security team needs support during a weekend, live training or school event, we can help. Your Success is Our Purpose!
