Request an OSCR360 Test & Evaluation Kit

The OSCR360 Test & Evaluation (T&E) Program offers a way for interested clients to experience the OSCR360 System firsthand and see for themselves exactly how the system can be utilized.

Request an OSCR360 T&E Unit

How does the OSCR360 Test & Evaluation Program work?

After your agency signs up for the T&E program, you will receive an OSCR360 Capture Kit and Software with the freedom to use the system as much as possible for two (2) consecutive weeks. Your agency agrees to return the system hardware to L-Tron after the two weeks are over. Any OSCR360 projects that you have created are yours to keep digitally.

There may be a delay between your time of program sign up to the time of OSCR360 Kit delivery, as our T&E program often has a waitlist.

oscr360 capture kit

What is OSCR360?

The patented OSCR360 System fully captures, organizes, and presents the details of indoor and outdoor environments in 360-degrees. Find out more about how the OSCR360 T&E Program may be useful for your agency:

Law Enforcement Agencies

OSCR360 is used at major and minor crime scenes, at crash scenes, during search warrant execution, while processing a vehicle, while preparing for future threats to the community, during training courses, while testifying as an expert witness in court, and more. Connect critical evidence to the scene, virtually tour a crime scene as often as needed, and provide your courtroom audiences with visual context.

Law Enforcement offerings

Fire Service Agencies

OSCR360 assists fire agencies during arson investigations, in accessing unsafe structures and toxic environments, provides in-house training opportunities, and more. Obtain high-quality images in any lighting conditions. OSCR360 allows fire teams to document and share the details of dark, soot-filled, and wet scenes.

OSCR360 for Fire

District Attorneys and Expert Witnesses

OSCR360 can assist your DA's office in closing cases and serving justice. Visually present the facts of the case to a judge or jury. Let OSCR360 assist you in connecting each piece of evidence to the scene.

types of cases district attorneys handle in court

School Districts

OSCR360 documents you school campus(es) to create virtual walkthroughs for school resource officers, local law enforcement agencies, and district administrators. Plot the locations of AEDs, first aid equipment, fire extinguishers, security cameras, and more. Respond to and prepare for any active threat or emergency.

OSCR360 for preplanning

Feedback from OSCR360 Test & Evaluation Participants

A Longtime Partner of Public Safety Organizations

For over two decades, L-Tron has partnered with law enforcement agencies, fire departments, school districts, and government organizations across all 50 states to provide hardware and software solutions that help your agency conduct its responsibilities within the community safely and effectively.

Your Success is Our Purpose!
