BlueStar’s VARTECH 2012 trade show for vendors and resellers of POS, ADC, Mobility, RFID, Digital Signage and Security technologies took place aboard a Carnival Cruise to the Bahamas.

Lino Contestabile, Chief Technology Officer at L-Tron Corporation, had the opportunity to attend BlueStar’s VARTECH 2012 trade show, which took place on a cruise to the Bahamas, October 4-8, 2012.   Trade show participants included vendors and resellers of POS, ADC, Mobility, RFID, Digital Signage and Security technologies.

When asked about the event’s success, Contestabile replied, “This was my first BlueStar VarTech event, and I must say that I was truly impressed.  Where do I start?  First off, we felt welcomed and appreciated.  It was fitting that the event was held on a cruise ship as BlueStar understands that a rising tide of business lifts all who participate, not just the Admirals and Captains.  Secondly, the speakers were outstanding, and the information supplied was great.  We had the opportunity to meet face-to-face with manufacturers and software vendors.  It was very important to make those connections and discuss the mutual benefits of partnering.  Lastly, the social events were top-notch as all work and no play would have made for a very boring cruise.”

All-in-all, it was a great opportunity to further promote and expand our business, and it was a lot of fun.  Thanks, BlueStar!