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World Concern

ltron world concern partnership


World Concern targets the most vulnerable and poor communities. World Concern is selective on who they help. They choose to help people and villages in very remote areas and areas prone to drought. These include: Kenya, Somalia, Chad, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Laos, and Haiti. What’s even more unique is that World Concern does not stop with providing clean water. They continue to educate on sanitation and hygiene best practices to help eliminate disease.


With you, we help deliver clean, safe drinking water to communities living without this life-saving resource. We dig and repair wells, and construct rainwater catchment systems and reservoirs to hold clean water. The water source depends on the specific needs of a community, and the availability of fresh water near the surface.


Because clean water and sanitation go hand in hand, your support will also enable us to install latrines. However, in some cultures, using a latrine is completely unknown. To ensure healthy habits are formed, we train community members who in turn train others about the importance of using latrines to avoid contaminating the water.


You’ll help teach people about the importance of hygiene for health. Hygiene trainers educate others about the importance of hand-washing to health. Through our programs, families are better protected from illness, including diarrheal disease, which kills 1.5 million children every year.

What is World Concern?


100 Million

The number of families who are stuck in a poverty and disease cycle because they don’t have access to clean, safe water.

dirty water



The number of families who are stuck in a poverty and disease cycle because they don’t have access to clean, safe water.

The average distance that women in Africa and Asia walk to collect water. That equals 19,500 steps, every day, to access disease-filled water that is making them sick. It is typical for girls and women to spend up to 6 hours every day walking to gather water for their families.


Billion people globally lack access to clean water. 2.4 billion lack access to a clean toilet.


The number illnesses linked to poor water & sanitation conditions


Estimated diarrheal deaths each year due to contaminated water


Together, we can provide clean water for an entire village.  Everyone can access safe, clean water.  This is a critical first step in community transformation. Village support is continual.

Thanks to matching grants, your gift will double!

Donations will be going to build Village Wells in Kenya, Somalia, Chad, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Laos, and Haiti.

Each well costs $3,000.

Why World Concern?

A Trip to Chad

trip to Chad

Rob DeRose, RAD & Gayle DeRose’s son, traveled to Chad, Africa with World Concern where he helped provide clean water and education to villages. The progress that Rob observed in Maramara was monumental. The village now has fresh water that is pumped using a solar-powered well over 100 feet deep.

There are two large water holding tanks about 10 feet off the ground to hold the water. Villagers simply have to turn a handle and clear, clean water flows out of a spigot. What was once an all-day event for women and children is now a simple task.

The work doesn’t stop with clean water.

World Concern helps implement sustainable, long-term changes by supporting hygiene education & sanitation training for villages.
Read more about Rob’s story here.

Dare to be Different: Help Provide Clean Water

Our corporate mission is a daily practice of acts of kindness that can spread outside the four walls. The simplest gesture can make a huge difference.  World Concern’s clean water project is a prime example.”

– L-Tron CMO, Gayle derose
