Cathy August Employee of the month

L-Tron honors Cathy as August Employee of the Month after becoming a NYS Public Notary on her own.

L-Tron is pleased to honor Cathy Knights as L-Tron’s August Employee of the Month! Employee of the Month goes to an outstanding employee who demonstrates individual leadership and works hard to provide quality solutions to L-Tron customers.

Cathy has been with L-Tron for seven years and has worked her way up to the position of Quality Process Lead. Cathy has also worked hard to become a NYS Public Notary over the past few months, by studying New York State’s Notary Public License law, completing the application process, and passing the one-hour New York State Notary exam.

Customers may recognize her friendly voice and infectious laugh on the phone and co-workers know her for bubbly and fun-loving personality. Outside of the office, Cathy is a Zumba enthusiast and loves caring for her “babies”, puppies Bella and Molly. She also enjoys sweet wine and oftentimes will participate in Hawaiian shirt Fridays at the office.

“Cathy is full of heart. She is a hard worker and dedicated employee. She took the initiative to get her Notary license on her own because she knew it would be beneficial to the team. As Quality Process Lead, she demonstrates outstanding leadership while assuring that customer orders are kitted correctly with no errors. We love having Cathy on our L-Tron team and are pleased to be able to celebrate her achievements this month!”

Gayle DeRose, Chief Operations Officer at L-Tron

The L-Tron team recognized Cathy’s accomplishments this past week with a group celebration for National Custard Day. The team shared ice cream sundaes, and presented Cathy with a signed certificate honoring her August Employee of the Month Award. Cathy will have access to the Employee of the Month parking spot and received a gift certificate to her favorite local restaurant. Congratulations again, Cathy!


Questions? Contact the L-Tron team to learn more about our August Employee of the Month, Cathy.

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